Server: EU_2
Time: 00:30.
Date: 01.01.2012
Was playing siege and having fun. New server starts and I was chatting with the other guys on the server ("haha, we got your kittenz now!"), when these two runs up to me. They position themselves on each side and starts teamattacking me. The 1st screen is right after I died and you can see the 4 teamhit messages. The 2nd and 3rd screen shows their name and that there's no enemies around. The timer also shows it's in the first 30 seconds of the round.
After teamkilling me, they go over to another peasant and kills him. Again, you can see that there's no enemies around, it's right next to where they tk'ed me, and it's still in the beginning.
Then they went to their third guy,Venus_the_Grey and started attacking him. I also made a poll there, and they stopped when the Poll came up
I've also seen dariobelix teamattack other allies, but didn't get screens of that. Alexdro I haven't seen doing it myself, but heard from a clanmate of mine that he also likes doing it.
These guys need a long break. This isn't a rage teamkill, newbie who don't know the rules or anything like that. This is 2 people being in a server just to grief the others.