Author Topic: L'Ordre des Chevaliers Francs wants to open a public cRPG server : needing infos  (Read 818 times)

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Offline Zion

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So as mentionned, we Chevaliers Francs, French speaking based team, would like to open our own cRPG public battle server (80 slot) with XP and all.

I am actually not sure wether I am in the appropriate part of the forum for this topic, so please enlight me. I, and other teammates heard that we need to make a request to be able to open a new cRPG server and to have the XP working on it. So please, would you be nice to confirm this to me, and if it is this way, then could an admin contact me sometime to get movin with that.

On the other hand, I would like to make a little update about my clan L'Odre des Chevaliers Francs ( forum --> ).
Since few months we've been growing indeed :p, slowly but surely. We recently recruited about 5 players leading us to have a roster of about 14 activ members. In addition, we now own our private TS server and are about to start our own cRPG server (we actually already own a server but on the native).
Finally, we are still open to recruitement as far as you are French speaking, beginners and confirmed players are all welcomed.

Thx for your further help.
Wolf Packed