Heyo. As an admin of an unofficial EU-server, I have to state something.
If somebody Teamattacks intentionally, I send the evidence to the admin. Because unofficial Servers are there for the Community to enjoy the cRPG-Mod. People that teamwound, leech, insult (heavy insults, I don't care about a rage-insult like "you fuckin cunt backstabbed me! go die in a hayshack!". But racism and stuff is not okay.) are killing the mood of the game. Even if it only happens on an inofficial server it drags down the whole community. If he gets banned from this server only he will simply join another and go on doing his shit there.
Especially if the guy was actually penalized, he should have learned from that... and he goes on breaking the rules (and evidence is clearly given) so he didnt learn from it and should be removed again. Guys, a one day ban is not the world, so why not giving the community that favor and seeing it as a warning for the "evildoer"?
If the admins dont enforce the rules properly, who should we believe in? why are they admins then?
Btw: I got people banned because I found them in the logs of my server - using QML to get X5 and leech there then. This is quite less moodkilling than teamwounding. And also happened on an inofficial server.
Its the duty of a player/an inofficial serveradmin to report such stuff. And the duty of a official admin to react to the reports. but here is kinda no reaction.
PS: Sorry, I should not talk here, I wasnt on the Server, I do not play on NA.
Just had to give out my opinion and tell you how it works on EU. Maybe you guys are able to connect somehow and get some ideas.