Author Topic: Dael_ATS  (Read 735 times)

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« on: April 23, 2012, 05:27:38 am »
hes been abusing the fact you cant kick while admin is not online by hard leeching refusing to move and fight while saying hes aloud to do that please show him leaching is not aloud
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Offline Muki

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Re: Dael_ATS
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 06:08:00 am »
Got Screenshots of this? and what time did he do this so we can check the logs
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As a volunteer admin I clearly have no life and live only to eradicate all fun and enjoyment from the game. Your tears of rage are all the payment I need.
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Re: Dael_ATS
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 06:09:26 am »
Have some screenies:

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He leeched for AT LEAST 4 maps if not 5. Just idling at spawn and pressing M when people QMLed him. On the map the screenies were took, people got mad and started TKing him left and right since there was no voteban option.

Message for ATS: Shamefur Display.

Offline Lorden

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Re: Dael_ATS
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 06:11:01 am »
Also if you look at his last chat messages, he blantantly admits he was leeching saying "I cant afford weapons, Im not leeching since im in not afk" while we explain leeching is NOT participating and the way he was leeching is almost worse than being AFK since he made people lose multis for getting QMLed.

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Re: Dael_ATS
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 06:23:19 am »
I'd like to clear some things up before an admin bans me from the above post.

I have recently created a Skip the Fun character named Dael. When you skip the fun you are given a measly ten thousand gold to purchase gear. If one wants to buy gear that is appropriate for a level thirty character, one must spend nearly all of the given sum on a single item. If you would like to use that item, you need some extra money to pay for the hefty repair bill that accompanies higher level gear. The conclusion is simple, you need to make cash to play.

The best way to make money in c-rpg is to play while keeping repair bills low. So one must wear peasant gear to achieve the highest results. Many consider wearing peasant gear while not being low level leeching. But it is not, so long as you spawn with a weapon and do not go away from the keyboard.

To start my adventure I chose to begin play in the Official North American Battle Server. On my main character, this is my favorite server to play on. So I start doing rounds of battle with enemy troops, only to be slaughtered by the more well equipped adventurers in the server. I was soon fed up with falling dead after one swift blow of the enemy. I began attempting to recover weapons from fallen brethren as to fight the enemy more effectively while avoiding those painful repair costs. But one handed weapons are scarce on the battle field and Dael has not practiced in the art of any other weapon.

Growing frustrated, I remembered that on the Official North American Siege Server players would re-spawn as the battle for the settlement continued. This would mean that more weapons would be available for Dael to retrieve. I quickly departed from the Battle server and sought greener pastures in the Siege server.

Upon arrival, I was thrilled to see all of the weapons I could use on the ground. I soon was scavenging blades and shields from fallen adventurers and was tearing the enemy to pieces. I continued to do so for quite a few different settlements. But then I heard the ominous ring of the program, Skype. I knew my attention would be diverted to conversing with my comrade through the program, Skype.

I stayed in game, knowing that I must continue to earn wages for Dael, as he desperately needed to become well equipped. I, however, became busied by work matters through this conversation over Skype. I was no longer able to salvage weapons very well as I would constantly need to switch over to writing down integrals and solving derivatives for tomorrows Calculus homework. I was unable to fully control my character while writing these complicated problems down.

Soon some other adventurers noticed that I was occupied and that I wasn't storming the settlement as before. This enraged my fellow brethren and turned them against me. One adventurer who goes by the name Thee_Black_Knight was so enraged that he intentionally slayed Dael five or more times claiming that I was leeching. I reported each attack by pressing the 'M' key as requested but he would not do more than four hits per settlement. He would have been removed from the Siege by the will of the almighty had he hit me once more before the siege was completed.

I then concluded the conversation with my fellow mathematician and logged off to have some supper. Upon returning the my desk, I found a warrant for a banishment posted here. Now here we are, at the end of tonight's journey, perhaps enlightened on the events that occured on this fine evening.

Thank you for reading.

Offline Lorden

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Re: Dael_ATS
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2012, 06:27:27 am »
The hole in your story is that you were not participating yet active enough to press M for 4 maps at the least. Also, you clearly admit that you were not participating -- You were busy with Skype, doing homework, etc. You should be doing that in your own time, not when you're playing. The fact that you wear peasant gear in no way stops you from trying to sneak attack the flag or open gates or at least draw attention to yourself so another player can kill your attacker from behind. Not participating = Leeching.

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Re: Dael_ATS
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2012, 06:38:01 am »
[22:27] <Canary> Tell him that he can't have his cake and eat it. You have to play the game while playing the game, goddamnit.

sorry read this post wrong

24h ban for leeching
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 06:47:20 am by Muki »
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As a volunteer admin I clearly have no life and live only to eradicate all fun and enjoyment from the game. Your tears of rage are all the payment I need.
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