I started a new Char today and started playing on the DTV-Server. Two guys in thicker armour were kicking each other short after the spawn. I tried to kick one of them, too
(I missed I am not a good kicker at all.). - Just for fun... he wasnt in danger (bots-spawntimer was at around 5) and I knew he would not be damaged at all, because I only had 4 Strength and he did wear something mailish or heavy-kuyakish.
So he kicked me back once and called me "noob", so I pressed M and asked him if he got any problems with me being a noob. Some other people started trolling around a bit so i did not care anymore. J_T_V_Benni (the guy that kicked me) left shortly after. So for me it was over and I tried to be as useful as I could be (luring bots around and stuff like that).
After around 5 Minutes he was back. We spawned, I tried to get on a roof. He kicked me two times and then killed me with his GreatLongAxe with two hits. And called me a noob again. No problems with the word "noob" the char was created half a hour ago so its obviously been a Noob-Char. But for the Intentional Teamkill I started a Ban-Poll. It didnt get through so he started one on me - what didnt get through again.
Right after we spawned again he hit me with his fists the last time. With the 4/5 Penalties from before he got 5/5 and kicked off the Server.
Still I don't think this is enough. Please state an Example of such moronity. This was clearly the wrong behavior against a new player.
This happened at around 10:20am GMT+1 (chadztime) on EU_cRPG_7.