What I would like to see is horse rearing interrupting any attacks... I hate stopping a horse and getting stabbed in the same split second.
And I use a pike, and when I stop a horse I am HAPPY if I manage to stab it a second time! Usually I run forward to support my stab, so once stopped (and the lance stab blocked
) I need to back off to stab again with my 68 speed weapon, and usually at this moment I can see the rider and his horse riding into the sunset on the horizon, because the whole process does NOT take 15 seconds.
Some players with high riding skill and Arabian Warhorse even manage to ride towards a spearman, so he releases his stab in time, but in this second they slow down, the spearman stabs air, they speed up again and kill him while he is recovering from his blow and too surprised/confused what just happened to block.
And with the amount of retarded infantry on the servers the least cavalry needs is a buff. I tell you, if horses had only 1 HP, 0 armour and 0 bump damage, you would still have cavalry players racking up 5+ kills per round. Just have an eye for infantry that fails fighting cav (actually it's easier to do it the other way round: look out for those who know how to deal with cav, and evade them) and you won't be bothered by such tiny problems.
The only reason why a spearman can stab you from any direction is that you approached within his reach. It's exclusively your responsibility, you take the risk.