I would love to join ANT it might take me a while to save up for the heavy armour and get a flamberge as I have a +3 long hafted knobbed mace atm and I would prefer to use that still if possible
I use peasant gear so no one is going to force you to wear the heavy armour if you don't have it. The rules about joing are that you're 18+ or if under 18 that you're mature enough that your age doesn't matter. We're quite a laid back clan and care more about having fun than anything else, so if you like that then feel free to make a post on our thread in the faction halls asking randomdude if you can join.
http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php/topic,15913.885.html - link to thread
Just say something like " Hey i'm mr_fista, from the uk, my age is _, I play as a polearm char, and I enjoy doing _, etc..." Nothing fancy but enough that randomdude can get a good feel of your character and whatnot.