Author Topic: Archery Build question  (Read 905 times)

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Archery Build question
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:38:28 am »
So I'm making an Archery character (mainly for Siege games, when I feel like playing them).  I certainly have more fun with melee.  But there are players out there that are good at killing with a bow...  and that interest me for some reason.  It's a totally different world playing a Bowman.  Certainly different from melee, but even different from x-bow... cause as a bowman you seem to have to always be moving a little.  An x-bow, you can fire, then hide, reload, and step out to shoot again.  But a Bowman seems to have to fire on the move (at least the best guys do).  And I do find great joy when I do get a kill with a bow.

Anyways, enough rambling!  Here's my build.  I have a few questions following.  And if you see anything particularly wrong with this build (or just any helpful tips), please let me know.

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Question #1 -  Will I have enough WPF at 150?  I could go max at 156... but with it being only 6 WPF, compared to gaining 60 with a melee weapon... I chose the 150/60 option.

Question #2 -  Should I have more than 6 PD?  Of course I'd love to have 7 PD (or more).  But I know that means you need to take more WPF.  I could sacrifice Attribute Points and go 21 strength, but I'd have to take away points from both PS & IF (which may not be a bad idea).  Or take points out of AGI, which means less WM, which means less WPF (which I think is definitely a bad idea).

Question #3-  Should I go with the Rus Bow and 1-Handed... or should I use a Horn Bow and go Polearm?  Now mind you I suck with both 1-Handed & Polearms... but from time to time I can get luck with a Polearm.  Or should I take 2 bags of arrows and go with a Horn Bow and 1-Handed weapon together?  And I know this all comes down to opinion... I just would like to here you folks opinion.  What work best for you guys in ya'll own experience.

Anyways, that's about it.  I've already started the build (on lvl 19).  So I have a little experience at Archery.  Now I suck mind you.  But I suck at Warband period.  Of course I'm having a hell of a good time while doing so!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 05:44:51 am by Mallets »

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Re: Archery Build question
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2012, 04:17:54 pm »
18/18 is a nice build , go with tunic over mail or some light/medium armour and a long bow.
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Re: Archery Build question
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 05:25:28 pm »

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Question #1 -  Will I have enough WPF at 150?  I could go max at 156... but with it being only 6 WPF, compared to gaining 60 with a melee weapon... I chose the 150/60 option.

Yes. (Except perhaps for the longbow, but that's a function of needing enough speed gained from WPF to overcome the gimp animation that makes your reticule bounce before you can use it.

Question #2 -  Should I have more than 6 PD?  Of course I'd love to have 7 PD (or more).  But I know that means you need to take more WPF.  I could sacrifice Attribute Points and go 21 strength, but I'd have to take away points from both PS & IF (which may not be a bad idea).  Or take points out of AGI, which means less WM, which means less WPF (which I think is definitely a bad idea).

PD 7 is the sweet spot. Keep the WPF as high as possible because you take a WPF penalty for the higher PD. Don't worry about PS so much on Siege. You will be pew pewing from walls or at them. If you need to melee, run to the ones on your team.

Question #3-  Should I go with the Rus Bow and 1-Handed... or should I use a Horn Bow and go Polearm?  Now mind you I suck with both 1-Handed & Polearms... but from time to time I can get luck with a Polearm.  Or should I take 2 bags of arrows and go with a Horn Bow and 1-Handed weapon together?  And I know this all comes down to opinion... I just would like to here you folks opinion.  What work best for you guys in ya'll own experience.

Rus and 0 slot 1 hander or Horn + decent 1 hander. Take 2 stacks of arrows. I recommend Bodkins + regular arrows. You might even consider Horn + 3 stacks. I run out of arrows on siege, unlike battle where you either die, or the battle is over first (usually).

Anyways, that's about it.  I've already started the build (on lvl 19).  So I have a little experience at Archery.  Now I suck mind you.  But I suck at Warband period.  Of course I'm having a hell of a good time while doing so!

At some point, you might give a PD 5 Horn bow with 170+ WPF a shot. Its fun doing headshots on purpose and the 170+ WPF makes the draw speed really fast. I'm currently building a pure archer with PD 4 and the Tatar bow that will max at 200 WPF. I'm level 21 with it right now and easily get a positive k/d with it (on siege).  I actually melee with it because it is so fast. My theory is that at 200 WPF I will be able to stun melee 10 feet away, and then shoot them again before the first stun wears off or before they can take more than a step or two at least.  :lol: (I'll let you guys know)
But for the killer, go with the Rus and PD 7 with as high WPF as you can get  :wink:
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 05:27:12 pm by Rumblood »
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Re: Archery Build question
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 07:51:08 pm »
Thanks Rumblood!  Really great info!  The Tartar Bow - 200 WPF sounds awesome!  And with the Tartar Bow being so much cheaper, I could take two stacks fo Bodkins, and still be ok with upkeep.

If I don't go that route... then a Rus Bow it'll be!