Author Topic: Unban Request  (Read 359 times)

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Offline Torvald__DesNordens_

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Unban Request
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:08:23 pm »
Hey Admins ,
When you see my name you maybe dont wont write back . But i have to speak with you .
Okin reseted my old chars which i skip the fun  , those were from the time before all the shit i ve done.
I spoke with my self and i want to let this shit behind me , i am really sorry about what i ve done. I know that i can t make it undone, but if i could i would.
You know what i want . I am banned since Sep. 2011 and didn t play this game 7 month , this is a long time .
I ask you to think about it maybe to cut my ban a bit  or something like that .

It all started last year with the new patch . I saw the new page and the button skip the fun !
I read the text about it and i was just happy. WoW i thought ... you can get 10k and are lvl 30 !
I realized that this was the wrong way, but it was too late .I made it and one week later i delete the char :/.
From this point i was angry of this game. I lost my 2 looms ( it is not much but for me it was ) . I played not very much so maybe you can emagine what 2 looms are for me .
Since this point i never had a good char . No loom.
So you know what now comes :(
I scammed !! this was the fucking worst way ever .
I didn t realized that the poeple who i scammed , fell after it same like me :( i was a rubber. ( just in game but i was a rubber).

I will have the chance to start new with my account . Please give me the chance to make it better.
With my old chars gen 3  and gen 2 .
Please think about it . 7 month is a long time .
Dear Torvald .

I sent nearly the same text to meow.
I dont want that people spam in this topic !! i just want the admins to decide.