If there's one shielder vs 3 archers, and the archers are constantly kiting the shielder, then it's definitely a draw. And if the shielder is actually trying to go and kill the archers, but they just run away, then he did all he could, and his team doesn't deserve to loose. The draw is the only viable solution.
Playing with numbers doesn't mean anything, there are also other factors, shields, horses, skills, ...
What i'd love to see, is an anti-fleeing option when there's less than 10 players. This way, thoses archers won't shoot shoot, run away, shoot shoot, run away, shoot shoot, draw.
Because of course, the shielder with his shield up is kinda... slow. I'm an archer myself, but it always looks so silly... and useless, and boring. Thankfully, we do have some reasonable archers in EU who understand, and agrees to get killed, since the shielder did a fine job, and that's how it's supposed to end. They're not just running around picking up arrows, etc...