Author Topic: [Unban] zzDragonzz  (Read 219 times)

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[Unban] zzDragonzz
« on: March 22, 2012, 01:13:21 pm »
Through a friend’s recommendation, I just began to play the crpg mod from last week. I have to say it is a very good game, and I like it so much by just playing it in the first day. But unfortunately, I was banned yesterday. I searched the forum, and it seems that the only reason caused me banned is that someone thought I was leeching. Well, I admit I was in very low upkeep, but I was still trying to play with such poor amour and weapon. I am really confused that why I was banned just because of my poor upkeep? All the old players have already earned lots of gold and have high level items. As a new player, I have to make gold in the beginning during my levels up. I cannot understand why it is not allowed new players with very low upkeep to earn as much gold as possible in the beginning. I can have a higher upkeep to play now. But what is the point? I am only level 21 now, and very easy to be killed by anyone. If I have high upkeep at current situation, it is just equal to lose gold. 

But anyway, please unban me. Thanks! If you do not allow using very low upkeep, I will not do that. But, I feel it is very unfair for new players who need gold in the beginning.

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Re: [Unban] zzDragonzz
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 01:58:29 pm »
Hello mate, it appears you were banned by Fasader for leeching.

The unban date was set for 22/03/2012 at 11:10:15 (which has already passed).

The logs state that you are level 26 so from what I can understand is that you've managed to play again..?

You shouldn't be banned anymore though so enjoy your time, if you want more information I can leave this thread open in the hopes that Fasader comes and gives you a full explanation as to what happened. (I have no more information unfortunately.)

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