This has been said tons of times before, but here we go again.
I got a cav char, an archer alt, a shielder and a dedicated mauler.
If the battle is open plains and they have horses, i choose my cav, if it is a siege, i choose my mauler, if we need moar shieldwall, time for shielder, and so on.
So, every battle would be filled with whatever troops "fit" better for it.
Thats not what strat is about (and neither cRPG iirc). You have YOUR character (and a bunch of trolling alts), so you stick with it. If youre an archer and your team happens not to have bows, well, you probably wont get hired in the first place, and if you do, you wont be effective. So you HAVE to pick your battles, you cant just be the jack of all trades. If alts could get on strat, we might as well give everyone 6 skill in everything and 140 wpf, it would be the same.
If you dont understand or this is not correct, please start the flaming below