I personally suggest putting almost all the WPF into archery, and then maybe something like 50 wpf into 2h. I've done gens without any wpf into melee and been able to compete just fine.
I recommend using a blunt weapon (like the mace) as your 2 hander. 5 PS works ok for longsword/katana but blunt is just so much safer, plus those handy knock-downs can give you a chance to finish someone off or simply put distance between you and the enemy if we're talking a tin can.
The WPF issue is tricky since you run into the issue of diminishing returns VS the general ranged wpf needs. Aka, is losing ~50 wpf in melee worth the extra 5-6 wpf into archery?
I guess it depends on what your goal is:
-Archer who gets off a few shots at range and then engages: split the wpf more like how you are suggesting.
-Primary archer, but able to defend self when forced to melee: max archery wpf.