Author Topic: Archery and some other stuff.  (Read 594 times)

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Archery and some other stuff.
« on: January 22, 2012, 04:55:13 am »
First off I have no skills myself in programming and such so I have no idea how much work these suggestions would render or if its even possible.

Second the things I want to achieve with these suggestions is more teamplay, skillbased gameplay, balance, adversity and the feeling of realism without turning into a simulator.

Since last patch there's been alot of talk about ranged. For archers it was a sort of nerfbuff. Overall it has not been that much harder playing archer but I feel that gameplay, balance, adversity and realism is hurting from the last patch.

I suggest PD should determine how long you can keep your bow drawn without loosing aim. For example pd 1=0.5s, pd2=1s etc. It should not increase damage. Instead make all bows do more base damage.

STR should determine which bows you can actually use. For example Horn bow str 15, Longbow str 18 etc.

WPF should determine your aim and draw speed but light bows should be faster to draw.

HA should negate the mounted penalty both in damage and accuracy (like today) but the reticule should behave different. When aiming from horseback it should behave like it does today with the difference of staying small for the duration of your PD then become bigger and bigger. At the same time it should "bounce" from small to large. The faster the horse move the bigger effect. This effect should be less for each point in HA. Also the accuracy should be buffed like Merc_Cris suggested in his thread.

Damage: I think a small overall buff is needed. 

The bows should be split in two categories with different purpose.

Category 1, light bows.
Short bow->Horn bow.
Pros: Can be drawn for a longer period of time (bonus to PD), accurate, fast draw speed.
Cons: Cant use heavy piercing arrows (bodkins), loosing damage fast over range, more susceptible to weather, ineffective against heavy armor (even headshots and no stun either).
Purpose: Kill lightly armored opponents and unarmored horses from short to medium distance.
Users: Hybrids/skirmishers, HAs.

Category 2, heavy bows.
Pros: Can use heavy piercing arrows (bodkins), lose less damage over range, effective against armor.
Cons: Can only be drawn for a shorter period of time, inaccurate, slow draw speed.
Purpose: Kill medium to heavy opponents and armored horses from short to long distance.
Users: Dedicated archers.

This is how I think these changes will affect my goals. (Warning lots of text.)

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Feedback/suggestions are welcome.

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Re: Archery and some other stuff.
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2012, 05:13:58 pm »
I actually like what you suggest, but I think with that it would result in the strong bows being the only bows used and all the light bows wouldn't be used anymore (except on a horse) as you would even bounce off helmets with them as you describe it :/

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Re: Archery and some other stuff.
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2012, 11:45:05 pm »
I like the idea aswell, its clear that you given this some thought.
And i would be more at peace with it then the current nerf.
Even if it still have some draw backs, like before patch i would already target light to medium armor becouse of the damage.
With your idea, 50% or more of the enemy team are untouchble as a HA.

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Re: Archery and some other stuff.
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 03:15:22 pm »
+1 Thats... a very good idea! wanted to post it myself... :)