Great Bardiche
4500 weight
requirement 15
spd rtng 89
weapon length 116
swing damage 44, cut
thrust damage 0 pierce
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield
Great Long Axe
weight 3.5
requirement 15
spd rtng 92
weapon length 125
swing damage 46, cut
thrust damage 16 blunt
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield
When used as a polearm the effective length of the weapon is 105 (-20 range for polearm grip). Wielded as a 2her this would actually be longer than the Danish/German pikeswords (123/124 range). While being 92 speed (effectively 97 with 2her animation speeds taken into account) and having flamberge range damage (flamberge: 48c, 86 speed for comparison) WITH bonus vs shields.
Given the facts above I reiterate: What 2her would use anything else? A 92 speed, lolsword ranged, flamberge damage dealing 2-handed weapon of shieldbreaking? If you made it unbalanced it would be the war cleaver with bonus vs shields, more range, and more damage + shield breaking. Which would make that sub-par weapon even more worthless as far as internal balance goes.
Making the great long axe usable as a 2her would be a bad idea imo as there wouldn't really be a reason NOT to use it if you're a 2her.