Author Topic: Viking/English Battles  (Read 1621 times)

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Re: Viking/English Battles
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2012, 02:54:21 pm »
Well you can trace my mothers family name right back to a Danish noble family in the 13th century (something like that). There's even an old ruined manor house from the same period with that family name relatively near to where the family were traditionally located.

Sure Britain has been invaded in the past. But it hasn't properly for a VERY long time. Meaning that '100% English' people can trace their families back a very long way (woo for ridiculous record keeping as well).

Regardless, when you take population expansion into consideration ect, then it's argued that the majority of us will have some connection to a singular historical figure if you go back far enough. The family connection may be very loose, but somewhere along the line it'll connect.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 02:59:47 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: Viking/English Battles
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2012, 03:00:40 pm »
Well either way we all came out of Africa to begin with :wink:
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Re: Viking/English Battles
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2012, 08:12:34 pm »
I'd like to know what blood i have in me, only thing i know, the Irish in me is dying for a pint... :shock:

Lol, I know my bloods simply through what I have learned through my own family, i.e things like one of my Great grandmothers called Matilda being a Roma Gypsy from Spain. One of my Great Grandfathers was a Greek man who was with the British airforce as a bomber crew member in WW2. I don't remember much of him because he died when I was very young but I do remember one of his legs from the knee cap down was a prosphetic wooden and metal construction, and it made squeaky noises sometimes, my grandmother told me that a bullet from a Luftwaffe plane had come through the side of his aircraft and basically blew the lower part of his leg off.

What I learned about my family name took me hours and hours of research and there are multiple possibilities in most cases and in some cases peoples names are too common to track anything.

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Re: Viking/English Battles
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2012, 08:25:24 pm »

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Re: Viking/English Battles
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2012, 08:28:49 pm »
Then we have Americans, Englands awesome and superior cousins!

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Re: Viking/English Battles
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2012, 06:12:42 pm »
Anglo-Saxons were not 'vikings' ( which is a stupid term because it actually means Pirate or something like that ), some of them may have had scandinavian blood in them, as did many cultures in western/northern europe, but to generalise and say Anglo-Saxons were descendants of scandinavians is false, some people may have had scandinavian descendants, but that doesn't really have anything to do with the subject.

English is a Germanic language influenced by some outside factors, Britons resided on the Island and the Angles, Saxons and other Germanic tribes settled in the south-east of England, integration obviously occured and the bloods were mixed, the language formed and we became HARD AS NAILS SON.
I said gone 'viking' in the West as 'viking' is in the archaeological record (runestones mainly) also used as a verb, something you do (ie. engage in piracy and raiding), and not only as a noun.
Angles and Saxons and Jutes followed the tradition of sailing West to the rich British Isles generations before the Danes and Norwegians (and a few Swedes and Balts) did so in the Viking Age, and as far as we know more or less displaced the local Celtic peoples (also Roman italic people, Romano-British and those from the faraway Eastern Provinces who had served in the legions stationed in Roman Britain), pushing them North and East, though certainly intermingling happened on some scale or another.

But part of my point was that Harald Godwinson's huscarls have more in common (genetically and culturally) with the invading Vikings than you or for example Victorian British have with the Anglo-Saxons of this time, many of them had come from the same areas and only few generations before, where British people of today have since had about a 1000 years of increasing genetic exposure.

This was not to provoke nationalism but rather to establish that the men fighting in above videos were all closely related and the interesting historical dynamics of the region of the time.
Former invaders (Anglo-Saxons), some of whom were pushed from the Jutland peninsular by invading Danes, were now defending their relatively newly-won territory against invaders from home, be it Danes, Norwegians or Normans, the latter themselves originally Viking invaders who after defending Normandy from their Viking kin now suddenly taking to invasion and west-ward expansion once more.

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Re: Viking/English Battles
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2012, 09:49:04 pm »
Norman horse archers...

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Re: Viking/English Battles
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2012, 06:18:05 pm »
So errr, a documentary about an English battle is blocked in my country?

im in England btw
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