Author Topic: Assulting fiefs, does it cost too much?  (Read 413 times)

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Assulting fiefs, does it cost too much?
« on: January 27, 2012, 08:38:20 am »
I was crunching the numbers on assaulting a castle... It blew my freaking mind.

Construction Site
Number: 5
Total price: 4532
Difficulty: 0

Construction Material
Number: 195
Total price: 29180
Difficulty: 0

That is 2 Catapults, 2 Weapons racks and a large siege tower. Total price 33712 gold :/

Siege Ladder
Number: 30
Total price: 2419

These cost can be surmounted. But in all my time playing as a raider I have only gotten up to about 45k total. Over a 3 week period.
Even for big clans it must take a lot of effort just to get basic siege gear on the ground let alone piles of fighting gear.

I was trying to think of solutions and game feature and what not and I had a thought.

In the middle ages sieging armies would build their own siege shields and ladders at the siege its self. They would take timber from the forests or bring it them selves and build it. Not hire out artisans from local villages to make it.

So my idea is that ladders and siege shields can be crafted in forests. You go and sit in the forest and craft. For every man over the no fee cap you get a 1% bonus to crafting. Everybody has an automatic 35% crafting chance and for every 5 men past the cap you get an extra "skill point", as in 15 guys yields 4 siege shields each tick. It cost some where between 5-10 gold per hour to sit in the forest and craft.

On top of that the cost of construction sites and materials should be lowered again. It adds depth to the tactics and its a shame to see people zerging instead of taking full advantage of all that is on offer.7784

I mean most people aren't going to take a catapult for 7641 when they can get 50 black lamlar vests and 50 nordic sword for the same amount. Especially since some of the walls can't even be damaged by the horribly expensive things.

A catapult should cost 1-2k max siege towers 1-3k depending on type. The time it takes to erect is already prohibitive. Would anyone really take 30 to the next siege if they cost 1-2k?

Fammi un pompino!

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Offline RandomDude

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Re: Assulting fiefs, does it cost too much?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 02:56:44 pm »
I dunno how many sieges you've been to but I dont think anyone has used catapults at all so you can take that out of the equation.

Factions are trading 1500 goods at a time with a big faraway bonus so they make a lot more money than is possible for small factions or lone bandits.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 02:58:56 pm by RandomDude »


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Re: Assulting fiefs, does it cost too much?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2012, 02:07:28 am »
Hospis used three at a castle... Can't remember the name. It didn't do any dmg to walls :/

Its a good point you make about the huge sales larger clans can pull off. They are pretty much out of reach for small clans and bandits.

I guess the point is to have huge clans. But its just not fun being a tiny cog in some one else's machine. Much more fun being in a clan with less than 10 people because you all have to raid to survive and everything is always moments away from turning to complete poo.
Fammi un pompino!

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Re: Assulting fiefs, does it cost too much?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2012, 02:55:29 am »
You also forgot that every shot with the catapult is another construction material. Unless they changed how catapults work (AGAIN) then you need 1 construction material for every one shot of the catapult. One wall should take 5 hits, I think, so that's a LOT of ammo needed if you want to take down more than one thing and/or miss some shots.
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Re: Assulting fiefs, does it cost too much?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2012, 03:08:53 am »
Hospis used three at a castle... Can't remember the name. It didn't do any dmg to walls :/

Its a good point you make about the huge sales larger clans can pull off. They are pretty much out of reach for small clans and bandits.

I guess the point is to have huge clans. But its just not fun being a tiny cog in some one else's machine. Much more fun being in a clan with less than 10 people because you all have to raid to survive and everything is always moments away from turning to complete poo.

Well I agree that it sux to be a lone raider, or even a small clan if you're in direct competition with the large clans. I wanted to play this round of strat as independently as possible but it's not really possible to do that.

If i was playing a raider i'd pick a neutral castle or town as a home point and do raids close to that, so that i could quickly escape to a safe point. In fact I really thought about this a lot when strat 3 started as I figured Antarians would be raiders/bandits for the whole round and I imagined the best way I could grow is by choosing the best and easiest targets so I lost next to nothing and could only grow in terms of gold value.