Even without Knockdown, the Mace is still the best 1-slot weapon in terms of damage+reach+speed. The warhammer/steel pick do slightly more damage, but with way less reach and they are slower, not to mention several times the price. Tone down the Mace and at least there is a reason to use a Military Sickle or Grosse Messer or Fighting Axe in 2h mode. We need some variety; as it stands now, every crossbowman and many archers with a slot to spare pretty much have to pick the Mace because it's so much better than the other options.
On knockdown in general (not just for the Mace):
Knockdown chance should actually be HIGHER for people in heavier armor, since the strain of supporting the armor weight makes it harder to keep one's balance. Put on a 50 lb backpack and have people try to push you over; it's a lot harder to stay on your feet.