Author Topic: Unban request, please note and turn attention  (Read 774 times)

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Unban request, please note and turn attention
« on: January 07, 2012, 01:47:04 am »
Good day!
So, try to be calm, although I am in shock (,23311.0.html). When I left in November on a business trip, leaving my character (AssBleedingDueToHemorrhoids) with all the passwords to nephew who is staying with me in February. When I returned, I found that my character is not only deleted, but I also globally banned, and at my own request. The very form of the request - another story, for which I sincerely apologize on behalf of my nephew. He's already got his ... punishment (was a bit harsh, but without the need to go to the emergency room). Also, I wonder what else he had done before demanding a ban?
I think, to explain his behavior can be puberty (he soon 14), which makes it extremely aggressive. But in any case, it is by no means a justification of these actions.
Now, in fact, please: since (as far as I know) can not return the remote character, why not just unban my account? In any case the administration is able to observe my actions to ensure that such antics are not repeated.
P.S. I think as soon as the open option, the name will change, because it occurred under the unflattering things.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 01:56:35 am by NikMac »
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Re: Unban request, please note and turn attention
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2012, 02:37:45 am »,23311.msg337031.html#msg337031
So you were not massively drunk as we all expected but you were just gone and gave someone else you account who then got massively drunk...
There were like a crapton of complains about you over the time you were not gone so if you actually want to come back to this mod i will give you the warning to not fuck up or be rebanned.
If you can live with that let me know.

Offline NikMac

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Re: Unban request, please note and turn attention
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2012, 04:15:47 am »,23311.msg337031.html#msg337031
So you were not massively drunk as we all expected but you were just gone and gave someone else you account who then got massively drunk...
There were like a crapton of complains about you over the time you were not gone so if you actually want to come back to this mod i will give you the warning to not fuck up or be rebanned.
If you can live with that let me know.

If he was drunk, all right - but he was sober and impudent, retribution overtook him.
Perhaps, yes, I can stand it, my sense of humor is also very black - in the light of recent discoveries, it is not surprising. Normally I'm not ashamed to terms, but in this case there is a school of my exaggerated. So unban me and have to start all over again ...
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Re: Unban request, please note and turn attention
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2012, 04:20:41 am »
story too great, i can imagine the drunk nephew, with evil in his eyes and the naive guy letting him with password... soo epic, could almost do a novel about it, wait... I will! more a short story than novel, but still... gonna be my first modern story woot!

i lobby for him! (also we need griefer so new admin can make out there teeth off!)
So the new response to ranged ragers is not "get a shield", it is "learn to chamber ranged nub!"
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Re: Unban request, please note and turn attention
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2012, 12:25:38 pm »
Well, ban lifted and i revived your main char which was gen2, no idea if stuff was traded away but that is for you to discuss with him anyhow.

So enjoy and be good.

Offline NikMac

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Re: Unban request, please note and turn attention
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2012, 01:17:51 pm »
Well, ban lifted and i revived your main char which was gen2, no idea if stuff was traded away but that is for you to discuss with him anyhow.

So enjoy and be good.

So recovery is possible? That's good news, thank you very much, Meow!
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