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Author Topic: [Suggestion] fief attacking consistency punishment/bonus  (Read 879 times)

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Offline Dehitay

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[Suggestion] fief attacking consistency punishment/bonus
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:04:52 pm »
I believe one of the goals in Strategus was to have people attacking on a regular basis. So to that end, I have a suggestion I think could very well solve the problem. Either a reward or punishment system for factions based on how often they attack another fief and how many fiefs they own.

Let's say a faction has ceil(25/numFiefs) days to attack or defend a fief (where numFiefs is the number of fiefs a faction owns) before some kind of punishment system kicks in. In this case, I was thinking something along the lines of a 0.5% troop decrease per hour for every member in the faction as less troops are needed in times of peace. Or maybe double upkeep as troops get pissed that they're away from family when there's not fighting. And it would just go back to normal next time the faction attacks a fief. For those factions that don't own any fiefs, 25/0 is infinity, so they don't have anything to worry about. However, I wouldn't leave it to a computer to translate it that way.

But since punishment systems usually result in anger more than anything else, how about a reward system instead? As long as a faction keeps up a rate of at least one attack every 25 days over number of fiefs owned, they get a bonus. Could be any number of things: increased recruitment rate, war time equipment crafting production bonus, less or no upkeep, etc.

What does everybody else think?

Offline Renten

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Re: [Suggestion] fief attacking consistency punishment/bonus
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 09:30:33 pm »
For the punishment one people would just make a separate faction and put their soldiers in it. For the reward, you might see allies attacking at fief one of them own and just trading it back and forth every so many days.

Offline Dehitay

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Re: [Suggestion] fief attacking consistency punishment/bonus
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2011, 09:46:53 pm »
For the punishment one people would just make a separate faction and put their soldiers in it. For the reward, you might see allies attacking at fief one of them own and just trading it back and forth every so many days.
Doesn't actually matter how many sub-factions you split into. Let's say some faction has 10 fiefs, so they need to attack another fief every 3 days. If they split up into two factions of 5 fiefs, the two factions would have to each attack a fief every 5 days. After 15 days, they would have had to do 5 fief attacks as a faction with 15 fiefs or 6 attacks as two factions with 5 fiefs each. Splitting up would actually have screwed them over in this case.

However, you do remind me of the problem that a second faction could be made that owns no fiefs and does all the grunt work. That would screw up the punishment system, but not the reward system. And if allies started passing the same fief back and forth, it would probly become obvious quite quickly. The same wrath that fell upon the Fallen for their exploiting may show its face again. Also, as far as the punishment system goes, if it affected the fiefs directly, then splitting into sub-factions wouldn't avoid it. Maybe cut the efficiency in recruiting and crafting.

Edit: Just realized you weren't talking about splitting the fiefs between factions. I type too fast for my own good. Sometimes my reasoning doesn't catch up
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:47:56 pm by Dehitay »


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Re: [Suggestion] fief attacking consistency punishment/bonus
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2011, 08:53:24 am »
I believe the insentive efforts should be placed on the player, not the clan/faction.

To that end they should triple the XP pay out. And give a gold bonus 100 c-rpg gold for every kill with a multiplier based on the KD ratio. 10/5 = x5 to the gold and so on. With a limit to the max payment maybe 10k or something like that.
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Re: [Suggestion] fief attacking consistency punishment/bonus
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2011, 05:55:59 pm »
Just prevent clan members from signing up to other clans' battles without an official alliance.

This will:
1) Force clans to fight as if they don't their members can't fight and will therefore get bored and join another clan
2) Force all the currently "friendly" carebears to actually ally with each other which then allows massive alliances to be properly nerfed.  Splitting your clan to avoid the nerf will be useless as you still then have to ally to fight for each other

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Re: [Suggestion] fief attacking consistency punishment/bonus
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2012, 06:43:17 am »
Just prevent clan members from signing up to other clans' battles without an official alliance.

This will:
1) Force clans to fight as if they don't their members can't fight and will therefore get bored and join another clan
2) Force all the currently "friendly" carebears to actually ally with each other which then allows massive alliances to be properly nerfed.  Splitting your clan to avoid the nerf will be useless as you still then have to ally to fight for each other

Yeah cause this won't shit on small clans at all.