Author Topic: Unban Request  (Read 398 times)

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Unban Request
« on: December 12, 2011, 05:02:11 pm »
No clue what its for this time but so far I've seen a bullshit video posted 2 weeks ago from  a player i havent seen in a month (lawn gnome) where im teamswitching.

Today, got kicked while i was getting proof of Magic Cheetah admitting to an incident a few days prior where he was intentionally tw'ing and trying to kill me at the end of the round while we were capping victory flags on battle; the end result was me killing him in an act of SELF DEFENSE to save the flag and win the round against a cav that never got off his horse to engage.
Here is said proof of cheetah admitting:

I dont know if anybody is noticing, but I have just been taking my armor off when put on bad teams lately. Aside that, 70% of the time i spend is now on Battle (mostly cuz of valour). 100% of all my late night play is now on battle- where team switching is completely irrelevant due to the nature of terrain and albeit impossible to perform due to balancing.
Like I am pretty consistent with it at this point; was hoping somebody (the admins) would take notice by now. 

I also stopped retiring roughly a month ago, so I have all the time in the world to level up. 
Believe me when I say an extra round of bonus isn't worth the month long bullshit ban some admin with a personal grudge will hit me with if I'm found switching (even if it is to even teams that are broken whether because of balance or people leaving).

The video I saw from gnome is holdover evidence from months ago, before I was banned without warning for switching teams. 

So far, my thoughts:
could have been banned for mistaken leeching while i was gathering evidence against larry magic cheetah (i was probably afk in a corner for at least a minute while i goaded him into confessing)
could have been banned for video of me teamswitching from months ago

let the record show that I have always been honest about my actions and have fessed up whenever I TK'd someone out of self defense or paid them or their horse back for an intentional teamwound.
let the record also show that there have been plenty of cases where users have come forward (some even admins) with bullshit charges (like opening gates on friendly team) in an effort to get me banned.

I keep total  honesty because there are a lot of angry teenagers on CRPG with nothing but time on their hands.  Just like Cheetah, just like Gnome. 
My credibility and honor is all I have in the grand scheme of CRPG.  Nobody is going to come forward on my behalf so I tell it like it is by telling the truth.

Does it mean I haven't fucked up a couple of rare times and tried to switch out of habit? No.  But the seldom times that has happened, I immediately admit to it in ALL chat in an effort to pre-empt angsty teenagers with a loser's grudge; i also wear cloth to make it fair.

My tactics have always changed to accommodate the rules, especially with rules that carry heavy handed 3 week retroactive bans without warning.
Like i said before.  A potential 5 minutes of bonus isnt worth the lengthy ban I'll be hit with.

I know team switching is against the rules.
I purposely don't do it anymore and haven't since it was brought to my attention that switching was illegal.

The current ban is unwarranted.  I paid my dues for switching and served my time. 
So unless is like a 1 hour ban for mistaken leeching, the ban should be lifted.
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Re: Unban Request
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 06:25:29 pm »
Before this thread gets off and running im going to preemptively post this:

Only posts allowed are on-topic posts by the people asking for a ban/unban, admins and people that can provide RELEVANT information regarding the individual case.

Anyone not directly related to the case or trolling in this thread will receive warnings.  Please re-read this subforums posting guidelines before posting.

To Spook:

Your unban date is set for 15.12.2011 15:54:58 due to TKing.  I will leave this thread open for the admin who banned you to decide if you should be unbanned.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 06:27:18 pm by Ganner »

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Re: Unban Request
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2011, 08:13:46 pm »
You were banned for teamkilling. Following the teamkill, you freely admitted to the infraction. It will be automatically lifted in a matter of days.