Thanks for the info, meow. Mute would be fine if I didn't have to scrawl through 80 names during certain times.
Joker, I realize I'm not a one man army but my actions for a particular round are usually dictated by what I see the majority of my team doing in response to, or ignorance of, the enemy team; not someone telling me to "go right". No matter what I do for a particular match it will have no consequence on the outcome if the team as a whole hasn't coordinated effectively. Verbal cues may be good for starting an initial formation but it's not going to have any effect when it comes to cohesion of a mixed team once the battle has started and I'm not voice chatting with the entire team. I don't want to listen to inane conversations for half the time I'm playing when people only really need to learn to mash "Q" "I" "I" "I" for backstabs.