I was banned. No reason given, but I was badmouthing a Hospitallier member who was consistently bumping teammates (but y'know).
No TKs, no dehorsing. Simply told the Hospitallier admin who came in right afterward to control their member (albeit I called him their mongrel). Definitely disrespectful. But honestly, Hospitallier_DeadlyCalv was ramming into a 5v1 to get at the 1 enemy. After a couple maps, that got just a tad beyond old.
Officially requesting an unban.
FoFo (FuFu, or something), I disagree with hitting the ban button where a mute would've been fine, but that's really not my call.
Apologies all around for running my mouth. I understand that it was disrespectful.
Dexxt~ ^_^