Hey this is the first time I'm really trying Strategus.
Can someone explain to me how to sell goods to locations? Also, how do I know what "goods" I have and if I can sell them etc. How do I make a profit? This is all I see:
Trading goods:
Embroidered Hats
Good price: 25 gold
Fief prosperity: +0
Good transaction tax: 1%
Item cost: 25.25 gold
Also, how much do troops cost when you reach 50? What is the the upkeep? For example, 1 gold per hour per 10 troops?
Troops I think from what little is posted that it is 1 gold for the first 49 and then 1 additional gold for every 12 afterwards. They also slow you down also, but I can't find that formula (I have 51 troops and move, at the fastest, 23.215)
1. You can have 1 good at a time (which really makes it more difficult than it needs to be.)
2. you craft the good in the village you are in, based on the effiency of that village (100% eff. guarantees 1 good per hour.)
3. You pay a 1 gold visitation fee, your troop upkeep fee, and the cost of crafting the good (it varies...in your town it is probably 1 gold for visitation + troops upkeep + 13 gold to craft = total cost of good)
4. You then have to run around looking for a place to sell your good for a profit (traveling further gives more $$$ but is risky) or you sell it in your fief for twice the cost of the good only (you eat the visitation and upkeep costs.)
5. you can also try to make items you can smith, but then you have to find another player to buy them.
you can sell anywhere just check the price to make sure you are not loosing $$$