I recently started playing cRPG, and right now I've already respecced several times, trying to figure out what I want to do. So far I've only tried archer-hybrids (1h/shield, 2h, 1h/noshield) based on builds that I found on these forums, but I'm still in doubt of what I can and can't do, in terms of gear and build.
I've (sort of) given up on the idea of bringing a bow everywhere, and am now trying to think of a shield-build. A Cour Bouilli Over Mail with a Barbutte is my starting items that I figured would work, but I'm pretty clueless on how much I can get before upkeep becomes a problem (I read somewhere on these forums that 46k+ is unrealistic, and that I should try to keep it under 40k total). I'm also pretty much clueless on what weapons to get, and whether to do a spear or a 1h shield-build.
I've already looked through these forums for the past few days, but I figured I'd try my luck with a personal thread. So here I am, asking for some pointers for a decent shield build that isn't too team reliant (I play very casually) and fun to play.
Thank you in advance,