On the 02 February, at ~ 23:50 on EU4BT server, player called river started intentionaly teamwounding me, whithout any provocations from my side, completely suddenly. Since I was wearing low lvl gear, he bumped me with his horse on full speed several times.
First time he bumped me in the open field, I dropped on the ground, and the enemy trooper immediately ran to me and killed me.
Second time I was on my own in the open field with plenty of space for maneuver and no enemies around. Again, I see river running on full speed to me with his horse and bumping me for no reason at all (unless it is intentional teamwounding), and I lost significant amount of HP. There was plenty of space to ride freely, but he just had to "accidentaly" run meover.
I asked any present admins to kick river, and explained why. No one repplied. So, I initiated a kick poll, and it ended like 48/51. Then another player initiated a kick vote against river and it succeeded, with people confirming river being intentional teamwounder. Aftewr that he rejoined server saying that all players here are noobs, and insulting me, which you can see on the attached screenshots.
I ask admins to take serious action against this bad mannered player, so he will be taught a lesson not to attack his fellow teammates.
I attach screenshots
Screenshot 1:
http://postimage.org/image/258d3s0ec/Screenshot 2: