So you think people are spamming more polls when an admin is on? o.O Haven't recognised that yet, sorry. There are sometimes a few guys who are constantly spamming polls, but that rarely happens. And it's not that distracting when a poll comes...Just finish your fight and press escape or 1/2 then.
Not what I meant by that, I mean that people do spam polls whether or not an admin is present. Not that when one arrives.
Why do you think did I start such a thread? Because in the morning people are not online (you neither) and on IRC most admins don't answer/ don't want to come to a server because they pretend they have no time.....experienced that often enought, thx
Shout louder or if an admin says "bye" then scream that they need to turn the polls back on. It should be something that every admin checks before they leave the server, but stopping us from dealing with them is more of a pain in the arse.
If polls were made so that an admin could auto-reject them then people would band together and spam polls, the only sure fire way to make sure that polls are turned back on when there are no admins are on is to program something that checks whether or not an admin is present, and then turns polls on/off accordingly, although I would highly doubt this would be something particullarly high up the on the "things to do" list.