Good day.
I am main admin of Ru_cRPG. I have "Admin" button on
I have rank 10. I have a field to put new admin`s name and rank, and I have active button
"save changes to Russia"
When new patch released usual way to join to the server with admins right doesn't work anymore.
You type a passw but nothing happends.
So using new site ability I added one more admin with rank 5.
That was good news.
Now I can't add any new\additional admins.I tried many of them (names) with different ranks for each. All names were spelled correctly
(copy\paste from server logs).
I tried to add just random players for admins - and about 5% of them adding.
But 95% not. And noone of real admins.
All of them have unique ID.
When I trying to add new admins I got an error (exactly those - color and font):
There was an error - please check your permissions.
And those new admins didn't show up in the admins list, of course.