The Order of the Holy Guard has had a calling from the Lord to return to their monastery in the distant snowy mountains - to dismantle much of their armies, to hand over the keys to their holdings, and to return to a life of prayer.
That means that the Holy Guard (HG) will not be officially involved in Strategus anymore (although a couple of its members will continue to trade around the area and will be included as Free Lands Traders).
We will still be playing cRPG but have become involved in other things and no longer have the interest level across the board to sustain Strategus in any meaningful way.
Thanks to everyone who has greeted us kindly in Strategus.
- Our holdings (Yruma and Karindi) will go back to Remnant as they were acquired by the combined forces of Remnant/HG and therefore partially belong to Remnant.
- Our standing armies will be partially dispersed to Free Lands members.
- The Free Lands will continue! The member factions will keep it going. The Free Lands thread will be locked as I will not be updating it, but the code for it has been given to the other Free Lands members so they can recreate it under their forum account.
- The Strat 4 Border Policy thread code is below if anyone wants to take that over.
[font=georgia][size=16pt][color=navy][b]:: STRAT 4 [color=maroon]NA[/color] BORDER POLICY LIST ::[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[size=10pt][b]NA Clans, post here to declare to the lands your border policy![/b][/size]
[i]As you list or change your status's I will update this main thread as best I can.[/i]
[size=9pt][b]Faction (and clans included in same Strat faction):[/b] Faction Name (includes Clan X and Clan Y)
[b]Holdings:[/b] List your holdings
[b]Border Policy:[/b] Open/Closed/Open if permission asked, troop limit, etc.
[b]Contact:[/b] Who to contact to inquire about entry/trading (forum name for PM)[/size]
[code][b]Faction (and included clans):[/b]
[b]Border Policy:[/b]
--------------------- THE LIST (Alphabetical Order) ---------------------
Faction: Astralis
Holdings: Sharwa Castle, Uzgha, Tazjunat
Border Policy: Open Travel, Closed Trade
Contact: SittingBull or Luk
Faction: BIRD CLAN
Holdings: Nova Amere and New Slezkh
Contact: Yo this guy. Me. (Partyboy)
Faction: CHAOS
Holdings: New Dhirim, New Derchios Castle, New Senuzgda Castle, New Emirin, Nova Tosdhar, New Yalibe
Border Policy: Open borders, pending our discretion. Apparent threats to supply will be dealt with through hostility. Contact first, travel second.
Contact: Canary. Alternatively: Mayzer, Malaclypse or Winterly.
Clan: Ordre de Chevaliers du Saint Espirit (Les Chevaliers Occitans)
New Caraf Castle- Closed Trade, Open Borders
New Tilismal - Open Trade, Open Borders
Contact: Inglorious, Bonsai.
Clan: Dharan Legion
Holdings: New Reindi Castle
Contact: Anders
Faction (and included clans): Dragoni of Valahia / Dracul
Holdings: New Ulburban
Border Policy: Open to Free Lands members, and open to just about everyone, but we ask that you keep your caravan size limited to ~400, as anymore will be deemed a threat and dealt with in a manner slightly less than kind.
Contact: Artyem (steam) , Deltah (steam)
Clan: Ordre de Chevaliers du Saint Espirit
New Durquba - Open Trade, Open Borders
New Tamnuh - Trade Agreements Only, Open Borders
New Shibal Zumr - Trade Agreements Only, Open Borders
New Sekhtem - Open Trade, Open Borders
Contact: Inglorious, Gunshy, Bonsai, Cradoc
Clan: Exile
Holdings: Nova Aab
Border Policy: Open to all
Contact: Muki
Clan: FCC (No Longer subserviant to the great Godking_Partyboy leader of BIRD CLAN)
Holdings: Curaw, Reyvadin, Sargoth, Ismirala Castle, Knudarr Castle, Jelbegi Castle, Tilbaut Castle, Ambean, Fenada, Ibiran, Kwynn, Jelbegi, Tahlberl, Vayejeg
Border Policy: Semi OPEN = Reyvadin (buy), Curaw(sell), Knudarr Castle(sell), Tilbaut Castle (sell), Tahlberl (sell), Ibiran (buy)- ALL OTHERS CLOSED unless given specific permission. Contact BaleOhay or Keshian for trade requests beyond the open fiefs.
Faction: FIDLGB (Fuck It Dude, Let's Go Bowling)
Holdings: New Kelredan Castle, Nova Chide, and Nova Burglen
Border Policy: Our lanes are closed to all, except for our friends (you know who you are).
Contact: Rhalzo or Brontosaurus
Faction: The Free Peasants of Fisdnar
Holdings: Nova Uslum, New Shulus
Border Policy: Our lands are open to all traders, closed to neckbeardian bandits. We if you wish to buy/sell our goods inform one of the Elder Peasants of the amount of goods wanted (buy or sell) and when around you think this will take place. If you attempt to use our S&D without approval your actions will be met with hostilities. Do not ravage Shulus/uSlum's S&D.
We will also be doing escorts through our lands (for a small monetary fee). Though we try our best to keep bandits out of the Free Trade Zone, no matter how many times you shave some ones neckbeard, it always returns more scraggly than before.
Faction (and included clans): The Frisian Freedom
Holdings: New Rindyar and Nove Rduna
Border Policy: CLOSED. Obtain permission before using S and D from either holding.
Contact: Sandersson, Daruvian. Sandersson's Steam:
Daruvian's Steam:
Clan: Gmnotutoo's Super Kawaii Desu Desu Japanese Schoolgirl Ninja Death Squad
Holdings: New Mechin
Border Policy: ... the only approved people would be the Godking Partyboy & Ildist. All others must get permission.
Contact: Gmnotutoo
Goals: Weaboo things.
Clan: Hero Party
Holdings: West Desert, New Caraf Castle
Border Policy: Trade, travel, and EU crossings need approval or considered hostile, currently a warzone. Does not apply to BIRD CLAN.
Contact: Smoothrich, Tydeus, Shik
Faction (and included clans): Imperium Romanum
Holdings: New Ismirala
Border Policy: Open to members of FREE LANDS. Closed to all others.
Contact: Private message on the forums is fine.
Faction: JABONRA
Holdings: Rindyar Castle
Border Policy: Closed Borders
Contact: Bojine Joni/Bob Weaver, Egan
Faction (and clans included in same Strat faction): Lost Legion
Holdings: New Bhulaban, New Bulugur
Border Policy: Closed, approved use only
Contact: LL_Emperor_KillerofFlowers, LL_Doom, LL_Slim
Holdings:Nova Rebache, Nova Radoghir Castle and New Sumbuja
Border Policy: CLOSED, unless given permission
Contact: Ildist.
Clan: Norse Horde
Holdings: The Norse Kingdom of Uhhun
Border Policy: Only approved entry
Contact: Turboflex
Clan: Occitan
Holdings: New WeyyCOCK Castle
Border Policy: Until further notice Occitan is closing its borders to traders from factions who already own fiefs. Independant traders or faction members without fiefs may continue to trade. Permission to trade will be given by the fief owner upon demand through TS or the forums. Any convoy entering the fief without permission risks being removed from it. If any S&D was used, the convoy will be attacked
Contact:occitan arowaine gash kap10 haramir ceidrik ladywaine shinock tomba
Clan: The Pale Horsemen
Holdings: New Kelredan Castle, Nova Chide, Nova Burglen
Border Policy: Closed to all (unless given permission)
Contact: Rhalzo, Brontosaurus (Brontosauce on the forums), Sandy (Sandersson Jankins on the forums)
Clan: Remnants
Border Policy: Closed unless permission granted. Open to all Free Lands members/traders.
Contact: Sauce, Noodles, Tom Cruise
Faction (and included clans): Teutonic Knights.
Holdings: Nova Slezkh Castle
Border Policy: Closed to all except trade partners.
Contact: Wesley
Velucan Empire "The NA UIF" -TKoV, HoC, MB
Leaders: Tristran, Bonesaw, 9finger, Robert, Hobb, Warborn, Syls, Captain Canada, Adoptagoat, Jaren
Official Trade partners- Norse Horde, FCC, Teutonic Order, Hero Party
Free trade fields- Ayyike, Ehlerdah
Holdings and appointed Wardens of Imperial Regions
**Color coded for your pleasure: Blue-TKoV, Green-HoC, Red-MB
The Mother Land: Warden- Hobb. Fiefs: Veluca, Grundwalder Castle, Ergellon Castle, Chaeza, Emer, Serindiar, Sarimish
The Boner's North: Warden- 9Finger. Fiefs: Uxkhal, Vyincourd Castle,Yaragar, Nomar
Malke's Peak: Warden- King Bonesaw. Fiefs: Almerra Castle, Saren, Tshibtin
The Hound's West: Warden- Warborn. Fiefs: Halmar, Unuzdaq Castle, Peshmi, Amashke,Mazigh, Jameyyed Castle
The King's Colonies: Warden- Captain Canada. Fiefs:Durquba, Shibal Zumr, Sekhtem, Tamnuh, Qalyut
For inquire on Official Trade between factions contact, Hobb
For passage rights or minor trade propositions contact noted Wardens of area which it concerns
Again, thanks to all that helped us in Strat - was fun, but figured we'd move on before it became a burden.
- Elindor