Fallen, I think you mean the total opposite
Im a dedicated xbow, and its far from worthless. Its only the xbow without wpf that is nerfed.
What do you mean far from worthless? Comparing to other ranged posibilities, yes, it is worthless. I mean, the only reason to go xbow over bow is, well, none, except personal preferences (yes, I do have xbowman myself, lvl 30, and liked it very mucho before the last patch). As an archer, you can use your best equipment (taking into account that archers usually wanna wear light armor for best accuracy), drop people in 2-4 shots and still be in VERY green numbers at the end of the round (tested myself, have archer at level 26 or so). As an xbowman, you either run around with siege xbow in cloth/light armor and super cheap melee weapon so you can afford the upkeep, but you will get 1-2 shotted by any archer before you can even reload due to your inferior mobility. And when the melees come to your face, you're pretty much screwed with that setup. Also, as mentioned, the damage with siege xbow is not really that great anymore.
Or, you can go with some lighter xbow, cheap melee weapon and cheap mail armor (again, so you can keep up with the upkeep), do pitiful damage both ranged and melee but being able to withstand 1-2 more hits from archers.
Or you can build hybrid, but that's not the point as you were refering to dedicated xbowman. If you have any trick how to be not worthless as an xbowman compared to other range classes, please tell me, cause I really wanna like my xbowman again.