Author Topic: Rotation for Strategus AI defense roster  (Read 261 times)

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Rotation for Strategus AI defense roster
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:38:12 pm »
If I understood that right, the AI chooses the roster for its defenses by costs, performance (K/D?) and activity right before the battle. So I see a problem for the more shitty players (like me  :mrgreen:) who are not at the top ranks when it comes to k/d ratios to be accepted to battles. Especially at prime time when a lot of players try to get into the battles like the castle siege this evening. So the AI might always choose the same ppl and the less good ones will never get a chance to participate.

My suggestion: make a percentage (maybe 25%) of the roster available to less good/all players, so they have a chance. It should be like a rotation list, so if you were in a battle recently you have a lesser chance to get accepted than one who wasnt in a battle before. In that list, K/D is ignored, so only activity right before the battle and maybe cost do matter.

Of course this should only apply to a part of the roster, so not only bad players are on the defending team  :mrgreen:
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 03:02:44 pm by dodnet »
The logic of war seems to be that if a belligerent can fight he will fight.

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