i did get banned and i was on those servers for at least 6 map changes at first ide been running away from them trying to kill the army and had been spawning with full equipment horn bow long espada armour and 2 packs of bodkins which were breaking every round all the while i had a pxc guy yelling at me tyo stop running away. i went from 28 1/2 to 29 and then left shortly after. after i realized what was going on i did take part in the team killing. im not going to try and sugar coat it i know what i did was wrong. i made 12k gold as well so, if wanted i can go and respec my char and lose half my xp to drop me down to 24-25 as a punishment along with what ever u guys deem appropriate and buy some high end gear and sell it to lose the cash i made, idk if that would be acceptable or not but meh its a try at losing what i gained unfairly.