Hey guys
Today i was banned of the server after a clan named "Risen" Started a poll, the reason i was banned is because i had no armour or clothing because i spent the last of my money on throwing axes and i have or had been saving up for some better gear? Sounds simple right!?, but then i started getting TK'd buy 3 people saying im leaching what ever that is and moaned at? I dont see what's the big deal! I had no money which means no stuff but i was still banned????
It was a pathetic reason and the clan only did the vote just because they dont like me and that was an excuse for them to ban me!
I dont team kill i dont leach and i dont break the rules?
Please may i be un-banned due to false accusations!
Although if i was breaking some sort of rule i was not warned ect ect and i wont do it again because all i want to do is play crpg with my friends, The server i was banned from is "EU_Crpg_2"