weapon length: 70
weight: 1
difficulty: 4
speed rating: 104
weapon length: 70
thrust damage: 19 pierce
swing damage: 28 cut
slots: 1
Espada Eslavona
weapon length: 90
weight: 1
difficulty: 10
speed rating: 101
weapon length: 90
thrust damage: 29 pierce
swing damage: 25 cut
slots: 1
lower to maybe
weapon length: 70 (can block)
weight: 1
difficulty: 4
speed rating: 104
weapon length: 70
thrust damage: 19 pierce
swing damage: 28 cut
slots: 1
Short Arming Sword
weapon length: 81 (can block)
weight: 1
difficulty: 7
speed rating: 103
weapon length: 81
thrust damage: 24 pierce
swing damage: 26 cut
slots: 1
just some food for thought
Khyber Knife (cannot block)
weapon length: 60
weight: 0.5
speed rating: 108
weapon length: 60
thrust damage: 17 pierce
swing damage: 24 cut
slots: 0
Falchion (can block)
weapon length: 73
weight: 1.3
difficulty: 4
speed rating: 96
weapon length: 73
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 30 cut
slots: 1
I know it's supposed to cost more because it's 'exotic' or what not but it seems a little over priced for it's stats and since IMO most use the wakizashi as a side arm (like a knife or long dagger) the price makes it kind of pointless to bring at all along side your primary which you would probably have no reason to switch out of.
all in all I myself use it with the katana and rarely even unsheathe the thing but I do enjoy the look, my price is just a suggestion anything lower than what it is now would be appreciated though.