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Messages - jellis

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove ladders from battle
« on: September 02, 2011, 08:41:26 am »
This has probably been suggested before, but would it be possible to make ladders so that instead of destroying they just get knocked down, so they could be raised again? Knocked down ladders couldn't be moved, only re-raised to original position. This would keep roof campers reachable. Also, knocked down ladders shouldn't be obstacles as they would be indestructible (during a round).

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: August 30, 2011, 09:32:42 am »
level 31

Strength 24
Agility 12
Hit points 75

Iron Flesh 8
Power Strike 8
Shield 4
Athletics 4
Riding 4
Weapon Master 4

One Handed 103
Polearm 108

A decent hitting inf/cav, though against other cav I really miss higher riding skill.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:27:36 am »
Thanks for feedback, I'll put a point in shield.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Solid Builds
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:41:01 am »
Just retired the first time after Jan patch and break. Until now my builds have been balanced 18/18 or so polearm inf/cav, but now I want to up my strength and also bring 1h along for variety. So how does this build sound for a pole+1h inf/cav hybrid:

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    Strength: 24
    Agility: 12
    Hit points: 71

    Skills to attributes: 2

    Ironflesh: 6
    Power Strike: 8
    Shield: 3
    Athletics: 4
    Riding: 4
    Horse Archery: 0
    Power Draw: 0
    Power Throw: 0
    Weapon Master: 4

    One Handed: 100
    Two Handed: 1
    Polearm: 112
    Archery: 1
    Crossbow: 1
    Throwing: 1

Polearms will probably stay as my main weapon because of heirlooms. Is 112 WPF enough for efficient use with medium armor? Also I'm not sure if I should spend one more skill point in shield or IF instead of Ath.

Thanks for advice. I love this thread.

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 13, 2011, 11:01:47 am »
+ daytime increase
+ STF for everyone
+ HA nerf
+ archery speed and ballistics, no more lasers and railguns. Hoping to see cool arrow volleys!
+ higher upkeep
+ WPF affecting break chance

- old faces, I feel the new ones varied more

Sold.    jellis - Lamellar Armor - 9,000    (normal price 12,012 - save 3,012)

Here's the two pics I took. Hopefully I got the name right (99% sure), I didn't take a screen from scoreboard. If it helps, I initiated a ban poll against him before I left.

Closed Requests / Ban request: player Al_Adin with his magic carpet
« on: July 04, 2011, 08:30:03 pm »
Just a moment ago on EU1, a merry fellow named Al_Adin decided to show up with his flying magic carpet and whatever bullet-spraying stick.

I took a couple screenshots, too, but need to figure out a place to upload them.

Pages: [1]