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Messages - Herpderp

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Faction Halls / Re: PROfessionalz (NA_CRPG_HEROES) INVITE ONLY CLUB
« on: May 14, 2012, 05:19:51 pm »
oh hey nice thread you have here


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Starting an archer...
« on: May 12, 2012, 10:53:27 am »
I would highly suggest looming your favourite set of arrows first, especially with bodkins.

If you want to play archer don`t bother with mlee at all. It used to be different but not anymore, don`t build any ps. Some people say a bit of IF is fine but I strongly suggest against it. Just go full agi find your favourite bow and have a pd of AT LEAST 6, even if you want to use a weaker bow. To put it in perspective at 4 pd barbed arrows glance on medium armour. At 5 pd glance on heavy. 6 is the spot where you do at least some damage with cutting arrows. Would not suggest having bodkins 24/7 first gen because you will always lose out on upkeep with a decent bow and 2 or more stacks no matter what armour. Would be great if you could switch arrow types to use bodkins only against tough enemies but unfortunately thats not possible, so bodkins means losing money unless you are good with stacking multipliers.

21/21 rus bow, 3 arrow stacks, skip IF and PS. You need all your wpf in bow so dont bring a melee weapon, pick one off the ground. You only need to fight when running is not possible. Some people would fight with the 0 slot weapons but against good players don't expect to do anything. The most you can do is stun them to allow you to run past them or tie them up until a teammate can save you. If you must bring melee use the horn bow and a mace. By far the best weapon, 2h 1 slot, blunt so useful without ps, and good knockdown chance. Ive killed many tin cans with this thing. In fact i want to even loom it second gen.

Thats about it, just remember. DO NOT make a hybrid build, they are currently terrible. You are far far better off going xbow hybrid. Archery currently is be dedicated to it or feel like a low level archer with a melee weapon.

They should make another battle server called the waah waah crybaby server. It would be full of STR build non-chivalrous crybabies where they can go play away from us proper folk in their land of crutching on mechanics like underpowered bows, polestun, and rain chance. In fact on their server it will rain forever, symbolizing their tears, while we play on our perfect servers. If only.

As for roh technically archers could easily kill him if the class was balanced better or if they had full looms and got lucky, but I find throwing axes to be more than enough to make mince meat out of any horse xbower, even Roh. The problem is he has the fastest and most maneuverable horse and perfect accuracy even when going fast due to how crazy a build with only riding, horse archery, and weapon master can be. Horse xbow is fine otherwise. If Roh can make balance patches happen then all the power to him.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: archery..
« on: May 07, 2012, 10:00:28 pm »
Considering that you think archery was fine for you when it was grossly overpowered and that you average 1 kill per map now that it's more balanced, you've not realized yet that you're a terrible archer? You were able to get a lot of kills because of the easiness of the class back in the day but now that it requires an ounce of skill you're doing horrible. Do the math. :)

Yea I'm a terrible archer because someone can take 5 arrows to the chest and sometimes the arrows even glance with 6pd as a dedicated hornbow archer, but I can hit him over the head 3 times with my mace and it kills someone wearing heavy armour? You can't say "well just headshot lol" because of how inaccurate you are even with 7 wm. If I wanted to just close range shoot I'd go crossbow, which requires no wpf and does a ton of damage per shot, someone spec'd in xbow can reload faster then a longbow with a light xbow and do twice as much damage.... in piercing. Even throwing is a better option. That brings it to what someone said earlier how the bow sucks too much to have as a primary weapon, which is what it should be. Not only because that's how bows are supposed to work but that you can't even go hybrid with a bow because of how much worse off you are unless you go dedicated archer.

The only people who saw bows as overpowered were the same people who agreed with all the other patches. "Lets make agi builds not viable since bows suck now anyway, now we can crutch on STR builds with reduced armour prices while archers need to spend their entire upkeep on a bow and bodkins that do barely any damage and are inaccurate." Congrats your QQing has removed all skilled archers from the game now you can complain about something else that effects STR builds more like cav or throwers. I'm not going to tell you my in game name either, but a long time ago I was definitely one of the better if not the best archers. One with actual gamesense, aim, and who knew how to pick targets. Too bad all of that now is pointless, because people would prefer to have archer being a spam class with the only skill being in how well you can run away from a fight.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 20% price reduction on gloves
« on: May 07, 2012, 06:40:06 am »
Yea it's ridiculous. Unless you wear really heavy plate getting past mail mittens is pointless. You're spending more then 1.2k extra for a single armour point when if you spend that much more on actual armour you'll get a lot more. The only time this comes up with armour is with the heaviest of plate, and by then the difference between the strongest gauntlets is at least 4k, so 90% of the time you're better off just wearing leather gloves and the other 10 mail mittens or the mail gauntlets. I want armour to feel like it should fit and scale monetarily, like leather gloves should be used with light, mail gauntlets should be used with the first mail armour and so on. Shouldn't have to burn away your entire income on 10 points of armour.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: archery..
« on: May 07, 2012, 06:16:58 am »
1.5 years ago when archery was fine I used to able to actually get kills, now at level 30 I get about 1 kill average per MAP with my bow, mostly headshots. However I average one kill per round as I actually manage to kill people with my melee more. Bodyshots do close to nothing unless you use bodkins, but 15 bodkin arrows cost as much as a rouncey for upkeep????!!! You can do the math for yourself, hornbow (what I use) I get about 15-20% accuracy at medium range ( about 50% close range, it's more than possible to miss horses that are standing right in front of you with your bow because of how gimped accuracy is) , 30 really hard to afford arrows to shoot, and each of them do an extremely low amount of 24p base damage. Compare that to throwing weapons and crossbows and it's pretty damn easy to see how bad it is. I also have a thrower and a crossbow character, with throwing axes I hit usually 50% of the time and each time killing someone in 1-2 hits. No matter what armour I wear I don't have to pay upkeep because I only wear light. I also break shields and can easily pick back up my axes. With crossbows you don't even need wpf to score 5x more kills then with archery, I get 3 kills per round average just by going horse + xbow (imo horse xbowing is currently pretty OP) without having any crossbow or HA related skills or wpf. You see my point, there are 0 reasons to play archer, no amount of skill required or can be applied to archery because of accuracy, and trust me on this as someone who has played more then a gen as archer up to now it's not worth spending time to loom anything.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Need Cav guidance
« on: May 06, 2012, 10:11:03 pm »
Go 18/18, 1h cav is my main and that's my build. It's a lot more fun than lancer cav imo. There are several things you can do, but I suggest sticking with a rouncey until you get really good and you know exactly what you need from a horse. Courser is good but not that useful beyond bonus damage and getting to somewhere on a map faster. Maneuver is more important against other horses then speed, you can catch up to a rouncey sure but if he's a good player you won't be able to hit him with a courser. My horse suggestion:

1h cav : Rouncey/Destrier
lancer cav : Rouncey/Courser
HA : Rouncey/Arabian Warhorse

You can use the plated horses but if you're after charge ability and HP I find that it's not worth the investment, Destrier is good enough starting out unless you have a ton of cash to burn.

For equipment I use the same on both lancer and 1h, with the exception of the lancer not having a shield. Don't really need a shield for lancer unless you feel like you are getting rushed by HA. 1h I find to be the best sidearm for cav because of slots and you can still be a shielder when you don't need your horse. With my 1h cav I sometimes bring a lance just to get a few couches off, most riders don't expect you to drop a lance and pull a sword out when you meet them in close range combat. What 1h weapon you use doesn't matter, the best are probably the Arabian cav sword and the shashka, some people like the morningstar but it's too slow in my opinion even though it opens up tin cans like a hot knife through butter, also leaves you vulnerable when dehorsed. You can also bring an xbow but that really eats into your money reserve.

For armour you don't need much as a 1h cav especially not head armour. You'll probably get 1shot on a horse when getting headshot so unless you're wearing plate it won't save you. With a shielder, your shield is your armour anyway. Wear light or no head armour, body armour depending on how heavy you want to go (higher leg armour is good), and for leg armour make it match your body armour and don't go for lower armour values.

My 1h cav build:

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 18
Agility: 18
Skills to attributes: 2
Ironflesh: 1
Power Strike: 6
Shield: 5
Athletics: 6
Riding: 6
Weapon Master: 5
One Handed: 140
Polearm: 63

Don't need higher wpf for 1h really, for lancer cav I would do even wpf in polearm and onehand. How much iron flesh and shield you have depends on your playstyle. Personally, I find the round cav shield to be more then enough for a duel or two and to take arrows, and that only requires 2 shield. Note, IF is less useful with lower armour, so if you want to save money while using 1h/shield/lance/horse or 1h/crossbow/steel bolts/horse and light armour then don't bother with it. You can also give up a few points of athletics if you don't care about being off your horse.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestion: Noob server
« on: May 04, 2012, 10:28:31 am »
No you guys are taking this wrong way.

Peasant server

allows only gear up to a certain cost, 1.5k would be good I think?

Would like a server for pre-upkeep levels, but I doubt there would be enough people to play on it.

Guides / Re: The art of throwing II
« on: May 04, 2012, 01:07:53 am »
first gen, using Slamz's shielder suggestion. No idea where my build is headed yet, I'm at 4PT 5PS 2IF 4ATH 4WM 100 1h and 100 throwing, level 25 18/13.

Guides / Re: The art of throwing II
« on: May 04, 2012, 12:27:04 am »
Any suggestions for gear for a throwing shielder? I'm currently using:
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going for a 18/18 build. Also, what should I heirloom first?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Why archery is broken and how to fix it
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:04:35 pm »
I also like how you try to hide your message "BUFF ARCHERY" behind sneaky formulations and an annoying wall of text.

I'm not just crying out for a buff. I want a mechanic rework. Technically yes good archers should be made better. There is currently no skill involved in archery outside of positioning. I'm sure many good archers for example Fallen members can agree archery is not rewarding. If melee combat was equally brainless there would be plenty of people complaining.

what is your build herpderp???

Currently I find the Hornbow build to be the best, enough STR for power draw for the bow rest in AGI related skills, all wpf to bow, don't remember the exact numbers. I've tried pretty much all archery builds hornbow is the only bow worth using imo because of all the bonuses it gives you.

Suggestions Corner / Why archery is broken and how to fix it
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:48:27 pm »
First I'll start off by mentioning a few facts. I've played native for a long time, cRPG for more then a year as of this point, and I've played archer at least 50% of my time. I also am pretty good at archery in real life, and if it matters I was born under the constellation of Sagittarius. Now that we got if I'm qualified enough to argue this out of the way, I would like to explain exactly how archery is broken. In native, archery is relatively more realistic, and definitely overpowered. Against a decent archer or me you cannot get into close range without expecting to be headshot most of the time, and my kd/r was at least 5:1 as archer, my deaths being mostly to other archers and xbowers. This is broken yes, but actually also as broken as it is in cRPG. Not overpowered broken, but a different kind of broken. This was like this at the start, patches did not change it from being not broken. The reason it's broken is because of the accuracy and damage values. Mainly accuracy, even at level 30 as a dedicated archer you will hit about 35 degrees to your target at medium range. This leads to archery being luck, not skill. My positioning is what gets me kills, not aim. And barely any kills at that. I get an average 1 mace kill per game, and do about enough damage to kill a medium armoured enemy and a half with my bow. And this as a dedicated archer with all my points towards archery-based skills. No PF, IS, or 2h wpf here. So everybody who is saying archery doesn't require skill is right, but only because of what I've said so far. This doesn't only effect archers either. Archery being broken is one of the reasons most cav in cRPG are braindead. I can't even count the number of times a horse xbower went up to me point blank when I was shooting him and shot me right in the face, or a lancer cav charging straight into me in a line of archers just to bump me and run away without a thought. Even though if archery required skill they would be pincushions they go directly into crying about archers being skill-less cowards when they die. Stay classy cav. I will guarantee you if cavalry actually got punished while running into a group of archers or dumb polearms they would be a lot smarter, but that's an argument for another day. So that's how it's broken, and now for how to fix it. First, make wpf matter little towards accuracy and have archers always be almost accurate, with level 30 being close to how it is in native. Sounds insane? Now here's the balance part. Have wpf count for arrow speed and distance adding up to damage. Not only is this a good idea but it adds to realism. Accuracy is player skill, strength and speed is experience. Using a better bow should be harder with lower wpf, so that using a longbow with low wpf gives you less arrow speed and damage while using a lighter load bow is better in that area until you get enough wpf. Accuracy should remain the same. Just to make you guys sure that the current system doesn't make sense, compare it to melee combat. Having your arrows miss at max level even at close range is like having your blocks and swings randomly not work. Being able to beat an enemy in melee with worst stats/weapons should be the same for archers, if they have enough skill in positioning and accuracy. And finally to sum it up please buff income at least by a bit. I know archers don't need armour but it really sucks losing .8k constantly just for having bodkins and archers get punished enough in many ways for having armour as it is.

General Discussion / Gender change after retiring
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:55:31 pm »
So, can you change your gender when you retire your character? When I've tried it it did not work but this was a while ago. It would make a lot of sense to be able to, but then it would also make sense to be able to have a free name change as you retire as well.

General Discussion / Re: Repair System
« on: June 14, 2011, 08:24:35 pm »
double post

General Discussion / Re: Repair System
« on: June 14, 2011, 08:19:44 pm »
Well he should give a shit, because some parts of the repair system are obviously flawed/broken.
Here are some examples.

- Why do I have to pay upkeep next round if I keep a weapon that I picked up on the battlefield? I neither own nor have bought it, yet it still needs to be repaired?
- Why is upkeep always higher then gold gained in DTV? Even with peasant armour you still lose money with a high multiplier.
- Why do multipliers lessen when players leave the server from your team? If it's based on how good they were isn't teamwork more important?
- Why are some weapons so expensive that wearing them with not light armour is not possible? REALLY high prices make sense for armour, but not for weapons. A heavy bastard wielder isn't going to be much weaker than someone using a flamberge for example.
- why are the slower horses (chargers) THAT much more expensive then faster horses (rounceys and coursers)? They leave the riders vulnerable to archers / other cav and without heavy armour are pretty pointless. So you will drain pretty much any amount of money if you use them. Their presence also is not worth the 65k which is equivalent to 7 rounceys and they are certainly not 7x better in any situation.

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