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Messages - obnoxio

Pages: [1] 2 3
Events & Tournaments / Re: DTV Tournament
« on: May 16, 2016, 04:04:22 am »
Soooo, based on who showed.  Our team was Phyar, Kesh, Cajun, Jean_Caniche, and Jean_Chevreuil.

Got like 8th group - none of us really play dtv, didn't even know they cam from another side, killed virgin behind us.

It was a complete fail on Cajun's part

Events & Tournaments / Re: DTV Tournament
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:12:30 am »
I won't be able to make it, and kesh is the new leader

Best of luck to everyone


To be honest with you, I think a player with higher ping has a small advantage in terms of fights if he plays it right, high ping can make you unpredictable as you're not going to fight like a normal opponent, I've won quite a few fights by just fighting normal, but the lag makes the hits unpredictable and strange causing it to land more often than not.


This Guy:  "Not being able to see your opponents swings somehow gives you an advantage"


Wtf, I 18:0'd you, nice try.

7:0, duels after that were fuckarounds (like your entire life).  I was just noting the fact that you were basically blackbar at the end of 4 of those 7.  Which shouldn't happen using a broken weapon against a guy with 150 ping.  Not if you're actually good that is

"Broken glass eating fat fuck jew gook bundle of sticks diseased cow anus"
Killmax autism is over 9k.

Hard to consider yourself the best cRPG player when you get blackbarred 4 out of 7 fights by a guy with 150+ping.  I'd modify that description you got there

I have rekt Theo.  Rondo is dodging me.  I demand justice

General Discussion / Re: New clan
« on: May 08, 2016, 06:49:47 pm »

Choose weapons that deal the most damage, while also being as long as possible.

My cock is not listed in the shop

Unacceptable.  I demand the top 4 places challenge me in order for their prizes.

Delay the start of the tournament 2 hours so I can join.  There's only going to be 10 players so the rounds won't take that long

You know you want to do it

finish the whole thing on saturday.

it won't take long since < 1/4 of the people who signed up will show

and sunday is mother's day you ingrates.

You going 1h coward?

Also, lower the armor cap.  What good is an armor cap if it's basically full plate?

Use arrow keys for everything and git gud.  Guide complete

Game Admin Feedback / Re: Admin, rules, minor announcemets
« on: May 02, 2016, 01:14:42 am »

So wrong. I hope your not american.


theres like 10 of us waitin on server, where ya all at

Prizes confirmed, actual tournament is not though

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA DUEL TOURNAMENT 4/30/16 PRIZES CONFIRMED
« on: April 30, 2016, 08:26:53 pm »
TBH I expect to win the whole tournament ezpz.

JK: I'm totally expecting not getting passed my first round, but its still fun watching.

No one on this board I can't take. Especially since both lvl 35 and armor limit are in my favor.

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA DUEL TOURNAMENT 4/30/16 PRIZES CONFIRMED
« on: April 30, 2016, 05:36:28 pm »
I will have to face Thumper or Albus and "WHEN" I beat one of them, I will face Chumley? Walk in the park   :P

Edit: thanks for doing this Tristan

Didn't Chumley rage quit?

I'd worry more about once you got past Chum bud

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