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Messages - BoZo

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Disabling HUD / Chat
« on: March 20, 2012, 02:53:15 pm »
CTRL+SHIFT+M mutes the chat.
CTRL+SHIFT+U unmutes the chat.

Events & Tournaments / Re: cRPG Olympics
« on: March 20, 2012, 10:06:24 am »
This is a great idea. We could even have duel tournaments, jousting, archery competitions and gladiator fights with lions, maybe not the last one...

With gold (title?) prizes!

Make this happen Donkey King chadz, who can sit on a solid gold throne and throw rocks at the plebs.

General Discussion / Re: Stats DAY!
« on: March 20, 2012, 09:54:40 am »
The Chinese also had crossbow cavalry.

(click to show/hide)

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:35:08 am »
wrong thread wtf

Suggestions Corner / Re: Old cRPG was better
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:03:48 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 12, 2011, 01:34:46 pm »
The biggest problem that still remains is that the new exp system encourages players to sit around naked and play with ladders, delaying the rounds. I have literally seen this almost every game with certain players. They say they do it because they can't make a difference, so they don't even try. They just leech. The old system prevented this.

This is bullshit, there will always be idiots doing stupid shit like this though. But doesn't anyone actually remember how rounds went pre-patch? Every round started with people on both sides running to the same point on the map everytime where they would gain the most XP but be in least danger while the minority who didn't care much about XP actually battled. Eventually one team overrun the other and killing the hiding leechers who did everything they could to stay alive in XP range. Sure if they didn't win they'd only get 25% XP but that was usually more than they would've got if they had fought back from the start.

Atleast now people try to win, because there is no penalty to fighting. Which is why it baffles me that people still hide in the hay as they'd gain exactly the same amount, if not more, XP if they charged straight at the enemy with a cheap ass spear, and they'd actually have fun.

Anyway, fixlist:

- Lowerprice on light cav
- Higher speed for light cav
- Slightly lower price on the crossbows
- Slightly higher price on the longbow and warbow
- Slight damage nerf to arrows (-2 or -1 point)
- Slight speed nerf to most polearms
- Sideswing for swisshalberd
- 102 speed for katana again
- -1 mil. xp req. for lvl 31
- Slight increase of damage for grosse messer
- +1 or +2 speed for most short swords
- no crushthrough for barmace
- WPF requirements are too steep after ~130, makes it stupid to try and go above ~150
- PT should not increase accuracy, throwing WPF should however
- Shield skill should not increase size, should increase speed more though
- Heavy armour should weigh more
- new 1h/2h fighting animations
- crouch animation
- new better shield animations
- shield bash
- slightly lower upkeep but also lower gold gain
- spear bracing

My .02 soon-to-be worthless euros.

Oh, and kilts.

General Discussion / Re: Selling gear?
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:53:16 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Demented ravings of Lord_Ulrich
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:57:06 pm »
I just wish the upkeep system could be made to appeal more to common sense, ie; give every item a durability of 100. Every time you swing your sword at someone, decrease durability. Everytime you get hit, decrease armor durability etc. I'm not sure if this is even possible though... Just adding some dementia to the thread.

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210 (Items) + screenshots
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:50:24 pm »
Now they are trying to ruin crpg. You try getting stoned with rocks and see if it does no damage. A well thrown rock to the side of an unarmored head can kill someone, but instead of giving them the buff they deserve you make them useless? This is an outrage. Why would they have pierce damage anyway  :evil:

Erm, they just added a thrust move when using stones in melee mode...

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:27:53 am »
I don't get it, how is this trolling me?

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