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Messages - Sunce117

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General Discussion / Re: to repair or not to repair
« on: June 12, 2011, 12:02:11 pm »
see that's what I am looking to hear is an explanation of why it is there if nothing else and this makes a lot of sense.
So now I agree on that part since I have played games where it is like that,but( yes here comes the part where I debate/argue the point call it what you will.) I don't use really nice things for the most part my pole-arm is the only high costing item I use and repairs still kinda takes all I have and my k/d can be 20-40 kills to 20 deaths or less/more depending on who I fight(such as Goretooth for instant rofl) and that's an entire match.

The main reason I say something is keep the game/mod improving if nothing else and make it better or learn to as why it is so, But to go from 10k to less then 5k in a good match with a high k/d ratio on a losing team is a bummer for me considering I try/play hard to earn things lol.

Also would like to throw this in here real fast but the game mode "defend the village" is awesome tried it for the first time and I really enjoyed it.

So thank you for everyone's input on the subject which is a great help considering I did not look at it from that aspect, so once again Thank you

General Discussion / to repair or not to repair
« on: June 12, 2011, 05:24:13 am »
before you read on this was posted on another persons topic that I replied.

Also another thing lol is was that to his question/what he was saying dont just reply a simple no...It looks bad even more so from a admin considering it shows you do not have an open mind to things and leaves no room for improving things OR explains your methods what so ever which should explain as to why it is or why its not and so forth.

So all I ask if no is the answer then please explain as to why

i have to agree I use elegant poleaxe and that's about 700g in repairs not including all my armor which is about 2k give or take and I've had a match where everything needed repair the income isn't even close to enough to keep that stuff going. it should be reduced on the higher weapons/armor just for that if nothing else or removed since it serves no real basis for it other then, "Hey i got a just got one of the best armor/weapon in the mod and it eats everything I have then breaks and cant repair it so I lose it." makes no sense and even more for those who can't get a multiplier higher then 2 or 3 and not cause they are bad or nothing just cause teams are sometimes better then others and so forth.
That is also me speaking as well as others that I've heard others say the same thing, so food for thought

I do agree it is an awesome mod compared to the rest out there but this is one of its flaws if not its only one

Thank you for your time, and to all others leave your comments if you would speak your minds

General Discussion / Re: Can there be changes?
« on: June 12, 2011, 05:18:51 am »
i have to agree I use elegant poleaxe and that's about 700g in repairs not including all my armor which is about 2k give or take and I've had a match where everything needed repair the income isn't even close to enough to keep that stuff going. it should be reduced on the higher weapons/armor just for that if nothing else or removed since it serves no real basis for it other then, "Hey i got a just got of of the best armor/weapon in the mod and it eats everything I have then breaks and cant repair it so I lose it." makes no sense and even more for those who can't get a multiplier higher then 2 or 3 and not cause they are bad or nothing just cause teams are sometimes better then others and so forth.
That is also me speaking as well as others that I've heard the same thing so food for thought

I do agree it is an awesome mod compared to the rest out there but this is one of its flaws if not its only one

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