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Messages - TASS

Pages: [1]
No sword ever was a "slashing" weapon :/

Suggestions Corner / Re: Heraldic Light/Leather Armor
« on: January 08, 2011, 04:51:39 pm »
Well, its only as good as what its based on. All I did was reskinning existing warband stuff ;)

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:50:20 am »
I'd say that depends on a devs motivation. There are, as far as I can see, two different options: a) The dev wants to play the game itself, b) the dev gets a salary.

Mods can die on two different ways. The first is to run out of players the second is to run out of modders running it. But then was is modding all about? From my own modding experience, it ain't just about gaining a lot of players. Having many followers is fun, but I don't say thats it. You create a mod to realise your own vision of the game. The appreceations from the players are nice, but you need to enjoy the process of creating your mod. As soon as you leave to path of trying to realise your vision, the project dies from within.

I congratulate you for your decision and wish you much success in the future modding this game in the way you think it has to be. So far it seems we have quite the same preferences ;)

General Discussion / Re: Arrow Damage Type
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:14:42 am »
It's a wonderful indirect buff to cav right now.

Me Pikeman, me likes ;)

General Discussion / Re: Broken Items
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:13:06 am »
you preventing them from gettin even more broken ;)

General Discussion / Re: Broken Items
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:01:06 am »
Lets wish him a good sleep then ;)

General Discussion / Re: Broken Items
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:21:02 am »
I am askin myself the excat same, it happend to my mail armor... its rusty now :D

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