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Messages - Sir_PedoBear

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correct. im back and anyone who is still in the clan make another post. im gonna try and make this clan work again.

ok motherfuckers im back from my break from cRPG. lets get to some clan activity

Hey this is just a reminder cause no one except derp has been using the ventrilo server. Even if you dont have a mic just open ventrilo and join the server and go to our section on it everytime you log on to cRPG. It'll be much easier to work as a clan this way. its easy just put the server info once and all the next times you just have to click connect and double click the Calradian Barbershop Rapists section.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

wow thanks for the notice we'll sure be taking 5 people to sign up if 4 other clan members are with me

so any clan member who wants to sign up for this say so. by posting on this thread and when 4 people have said so ill make the submision to the tournament thread.

is this a you joining the clan post or are you just being awesomely random?

btw that profile pic is awesome.

Thanks. Nah mate, the Brigade has always been my home. Good luck on the battlefields!

wow not only was i tired enough to not notice your faction but i also didnt get the barbershop rapist reference. i need to stop going to sleep at 6:00 in the morning.   :(

do we have ts chanell or skype group ?

we have vent the server info's on the top post

This banner is already taken by "the Pillagers".

Well we want to design a custom banner cause this banner kinda sucks but it also is the closest to 'barbershop quartet' colors which is what we're going for

lol they censored my homophobia thread

lol homophobia thread?

woopsy check the top again for ventrilo server info. the password was wrong it should be tofuburger not tofuberger

Note to self - do not get a haircut.

is this a you joining the clan post or are you just being awesomely random?

btw that profile pic is awesome.

How do you do that

Username: CBR_jabronie678

ventrilo is a seperate program than mount and blade. Its used for teamspeak. Google it and download it. Its free. Also to change your push to talk key binding go to setup and its right there

We already have game for this (civ5 anyone=?)
yeah but this is civ5 in a living world thats combined with the awesome mount and blade cRPG combat=awesome

Can i join ?

sure thing. Just put CBR before your name and use our banner and click notify at the top of the thread so your notified of any clan events/messages.
Even still check back sometimes on the thread cause you wont be notified if i modify a post, only if i post something new.

Anyway with that i suppose its time for a Clan Message, check the top post.

Spam / Re: Who is the most annoying player in all of cRPG!?!?!
« on: June 12, 2011, 07:31:38 am »
lol this really me. what did i do to u, why u hate me?

Btw Xant is the most annoying player, HAs come second..

trollololololol the link takes you to your own profile page. Everyone is the most annoying player.

General Discussion / Re: Can it Be?!?!
« on: June 12, 2011, 06:53:44 am »
lol i was on that too. It must be chadz or whoever runs the NA_Siege server cause you dont get 0 ping without actually being on the server thats broadcasting.

:twisted: lets do this
well bump to you good sir

Anyway for now considering strategus is still down theres not much clan activity to be done except organizing and knowing who is in the clan. For now just have fun and play cRPG and occasionally put the word out about our clan. I mainly play on the NA_Siege server but anywhere's fine to play so yeah just make sure you have that CBR at the beginning of the name.

Oh and almost forgot please MAKE SURE TO CLICK THE NOTIFY BUTTON AT THE TOP OF THE THREAD and have your email saved on your account so you get an email when i post a clan event on this thread.

Faction Halls / Re: Faction-/Clan-/Guild-List/Overview
« on: June 10, 2011, 05:20:32 pm »
[CBR] - Calradian Barbershop Rapists - (Recruiting all but prefer East Coasters)
(click to show/hide)

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