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Messages - Game_Blouses

Pages: [1]
Still not working for me.

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling Loompoint
« on: July 14, 2012, 06:49:13 pm »

Trade up.


I recently retired and am setting up for my new build.  For some reason the main page will not let me convert skill points to attribute points.  I can click on the button and it looks like it will convert, however, whenever I hit save and confirm the selection it reverts back to the old stats.  I have tried logging out, clearing my internet history, and attempted this when logged in and not logged in.  Otherwise Crpg and the main site are working perfectly.


Sell/Trade / Selling Loompoint
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:07:36 pm »
I'm selling my loompoint for 600k. Send me a PM if you are interested.

Buy / Re: Buying 2 loom points
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:15:21 pm »
PM sent.

Sell/Trade / WTS Loompoint 450k 18/18
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:08:54 am »
Like the title says...

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Marketplace Question
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:10:51 am »

So I'm fairly certain I got the roughly 10,000 that I made from selling my old armor but my Arbalest sold, I got a message for it's sale, and did not receive the funds for it.  I am almost 100% sure I did not make a mistake when marking the price (ie 1,700 instead of 17,000) because I was concerned about this from the start. 

Any chance this was a bug or glitch?

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling an Heirloom Point
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:41:33 am »
I do not sadly.

6 Power Strike
6 Riding
18 Agi
18 Str
2 Shield

Sell/Trade / Selling an Heirloom Point
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:38:10 am »
So I am approaching 31 and was thinking about selling my heirloom point as I am not settled on what kind of class I want to play and the recent patch has raped my ability to make money.

My question is how do I go about selling it?  I recently lost several grand in the market somehow (the item was bought but I never received the money) and do not want to make a similar mistake with something work 400,000k+.  Obviously it is not just an item you can trade over the market so I was wondering how people go about it in an honest fashion. I do not want to get ripped off, nor do I want to appear like I am trying to rip off someone else.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Marketplace Question
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:06:00 am »
So I just figured out how to put stuff up on the market place and unloaded some old gear by selling them for 80% of their price.

However, I am not seeing a change in my funds yet.  I mean I sold an arbalest for 17,000 and my gold is exactly where it was earlier.  Will this just change automatically later or do I need to check some additional box after I receive the message that they accepted my offer?


Hey I am about to hit 31 and would like to heirloom a plated charger or courser.

However, when I was reading some information online it suggested that as ones generation increased, your horses got slower. 

What is the difference between a generation level and heirloomed horse and how will this all work out?

It seems ridiculous to think that you could heirloom a horse and it would get weaker because it aged, and I'm pretty sure from my use of other people's horses this is not the case.

A little help?


I was going to post this before the patch but I'll post it here now.

I really think any class should have a counter-class for purposes of game balance.

The most obvious one for Cav is pike and pikemen. Their ability to kill your horse and you in one thrust if not stop you and your mount dead in your tracks was crazy dangerous and you had to use skill to defeat them or sneak up on them. 

However, the ability to stop your horse dead in its tracks has been extended to any polearm.  Should a shortened spear *really* be able to stop you? Let's say for argument sake this is fair because of the relatively few dedicated pikemen and the prevalence of horses.

However, what I was going to complain about before this patch is that fact that just about anything but an archer was able to slaughter our horse by sidestepping and performing a poke attack.  Two handed swordsmen could outright stop a charging horse and because of your speed this usually meant your horse died and you got dumped right by a spammer.

It felt like I was relegated to killing unskilled players, archers, or people I managed to sneak up on and of course, other Cav.

Now after the patch my horse (a course) apparently disintegrates if the enemy team looks at it.  The buff to archery and throwing, combined with the limitations of the lancing angle means that now anyone can easily kill my mount as I charge them leaving me dumped at their feet.

I really find that I have to sneak up on people and/or engage people already in melee.

On top of this we have to pay for ridiculously expensive mounts and their repairs.  This is an additional repair cost no other class (besides HA) has to juggle.

The problem I see with this is as previously mentioned this is a game not a medieval combat simulator.  If we are going to make it realistic, make it realistic across the board.  While it may be realistic that a peasant with a pike or a longbowman could punch through heavy armor and kill an armored knight on a horse, they usually did so behind set pikes.  People (throwers, archers, 2handers, etc.) should not be able to instantly stop a several hundred pound animal dead in its track with a simple poke.

I feel because of changes in patch, this is the ridiculous nature of what Lancing Cav has been reduced to.
(click to show/hide)


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Trouble in the mid-game.
« on: June 18, 2011, 07:05:33 pm »
Hey just an update I bought a courser and things are going much better.

When my team is fail I go for a x1 peasant outfit and use a crossbow to help the team out on foot.  I get slaughtered when caught in close but it avoids heinous repair bills and money loss.

When I'm doing well I equip my courser and my best armor and weapons and pitch in.  I'm usually in the positives and just bought a heavy lance and a bec for when I fall off/get my horse shot out from under me.

I screwed my my skill points but w/e.  I'm just going to 31 to loom something and then i'll fix it.

Thanks for the help guys,

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Trouble in the mid-game.
« on: June 11, 2011, 10:43:10 pm »
On certain maps where there is not a ton of incredibly skilled players I bust out my horse and lance and at times end up in the positive ratio of KDR.  On most other maps or maps where my team is loosing I have a cheap peasant outfit and a xbow to try and help the team some and keep gaining money.

Second question.  Should I upgrade my horse, my armor, my shield, or my 1hander first?  Right now I just have a Sumpter and this is a liability in calvary battles and against horse archers.  Well it's just a liability in general.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Trouble in the mid-game.
« on: June 10, 2011, 09:34:53 pm »
So I am building my first character to 30 and am trying to go a riding knight with one handers.

The problem is that I bought mid level armor and my repair costs for it and my horse shot way up, but I still die a lot.  Now sometimes I actively lose money.  I've tried stripping off my armor or going back to basic gear but am quite ineffective and feel like i'm not helping my team.

What do people do in mid-game to stay effective and make money?  Should I just run around as a peasant and de-equip my horse until I have tens of thousands in the bank and then buy massive armor and weapons?  Do I just need to learn to play better and die less?

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