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Messages - Virus

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I think this is kinda what Neimond was going for guys.

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Closed Requests / Re: (NA Servers)[Unban] Still banned.
« on: January 09, 2011, 09:56:27 pm »
Alright I was on Kunta_Kinte, thought it was Hansel_II but I guess I was wrong.

Closed Requests / Re: (NA Servers)[Unban] Still banned.
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:28:47 am »
Sooooo...can I be unbanned now?  I will cry if I have to play on EU servers any longer.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Siege Suggestions.
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:16:17 am »
Were you playing on 12 or 6 minute servers? I assume the former, because at six minutes, defense is not only possible, but maybe even easier than attack.

It was in the EU server with I think 12 minutes, I know it's more than 6.  I don't think I've played on the 6 minute one is that the NA server?  If it is, it never seems to have people in it.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Number of alive
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:43:14 am »
This would be helpful, I know nothing about coding so I have no idea if its possible but it would be nice to know by just hitting tab and seeing a number.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Concerning female voice commands
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:41:08 am »
That's a silly suggestion...females don't make commands.

But really, do males even have voice when they make commands?  I've never noticed anything when I use them.  Only negative to this I can think of though is its bad enough win the chat box gets spammed with commands; it would only be worse hearing 50 people scream at the same time.

Suggestions Corner / Siege Suggestions.
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:35:54 am »
I played some siege for the first time with the new patch and just after a couple of maps I feel a few things could change.

-Respawn time set to 15sec, at the most 20sec.
-Both teams either have unlimited lives or each have a set amount, even if the D has 5 and Attackers have 8.  I understand attacking may die more just by archers at the start so give them some more lives to make up for that.
-If the lives don't change, make the rounds shorter.  This way the D stands more of a chance rather then holding out till the last minute every round and losing because either everyone ran out of lives or is stuck in a 30sec spawn.
-Alternate teams from attacking to defense every round.  That way everyone gets a chance to be attackers and defenders.

That's all I can think of right now, but those issues is what really jumped out to me.  Siege has always been attacker friendly but with the multiplyer it just pads their xp/gold.

Closed Requests / Re: (NA Servers)[Unban] Still banned.
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:15:58 am »
@ OP:  Unless Garg says otherwise I will lift your ban once we get this patch/server stuff straightened out.

<3 Thanks.

General Off Topic / Re: Post your Runescape name and clan.
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:09:42 am »
The game is on:
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Amalgam Facepalm.

I call.

I fold.

Spam / Re: Forum stats
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:44:16 am »
Lets think about this.  How many people have computers in their kitchen?

General Off Topic / Re: Post your Runescape name and clan.
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:42:47 am »
I see your epic facepalm and raise you:
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Closed Requests / (NA Servers)[Unban] Still banned.
« on: January 04, 2011, 06:38:51 am »
I was told on the other forums I would be unban in 24 hours and that was on the 28th.  Not 100% sure if thats the reason I was banned but no joke I was banned two seconds after calling him a bitch, so I just assumed that was the reason.  Either way the guys I play on on Kunta_Kinte, Hansel_II, and Paul_Bunyan if that helps any.  Since it seems like Garguro doesn't get on much can a different admin unban since he already said he would?

*Original Post*
When: Dec 25th
Who: Gargorathuro
Why: An ATS admin was on the other team, and I wanted to see if he could see our teams chat.  So jokingly I call him a bitch in team chat.  And wouldnt ya know, he could.  Didnt mean anything by it, but I did say it so I am at fualt, I am sorry about it and it wont happen again.
Character I was on: Hansel_II

*Response from Garguro *
I don't know who you think you're lieing to, but everything from your story to your character name is made up.  Your unban request comes to me, so to make up some story about me being oversensitive and then appeal, to me, is laughable.  Btw, admins can't read enemy team chat in game.  You'll be unbanned tomorrow.

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