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Messages - balls_of_steel

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Unban me?
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:40:54 pm »
But i was trying to change team at beginning of the map, when something about 1/3 of all players was in the specs. This "NOT OK: Bypassing the autobalance" rule should be named "NOT OK: team changing".  And also, this map is pretty unbalnced, defenders are always lose.

Closed Requests / Unban me?
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:03:34 pm »
Can somebody unban me or, at least, explain the ban reason? I was playing on EU siege server yesterday, and get banned when i was trying to join the attackers team (in beginning of the round) on this new wooden fort map.
Character name balls_of_steel

Pages: [1]