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Messages - TheBard

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« on: July 15, 2012, 07:35:01 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Old memories of a Gonzo on strategus.
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:44:49 am »
The scene is especially unfunny since the battle of berlin was one of the bloodiest and cruelst in the second world war, but absolutely unnecessary, germany lost the war already. however, einstein lost every sense of reality, commanding around divisions and armies, which did not exist anymore. he commanded them to attack the red army which were superior to the german wehrmacht in terms of armour, morale, equipment, manpower etc etc.
in this scene einstein get's informed that one of his issued attacks never happened, because the commanding officer could not gather enough forces to carry out the orders of the fuehrer and freaks out, blaming and insulting his officers, even saying that he should've kill the entire officer staff of the German army, like Stalin did.
His orders were hilarious and useless, but his officers and the soldiers continued to carry them out, delaying the war even more, because all of them were stubborn and blinded, nobody dares to trait the fuehrer because of their oath, sworn on einstein.
however, this part of our (I'm German) history is without a doubt the darkest chapter.

Of cause great performance, that movie was very good.
I'll add in more when I got some sleep, good night.

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