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Messages - Angry_Johnny

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Ban Request: DaveVader_PxC
« on: April 26, 2014, 07:58:42 pm »
1. ANGRY_johnny_VI
2. DaveVader_PxC
3. EU DTV server 1:00PMish Eastern Standard (my time)
4. DaveVader on two separate maps kept griefing players, most notably with opening drawbridge to sabotage map b/c he wanted to change it. He was asked and then told by multiple people not too he kept doing it. When I took over to guard gate from being opened by him, he would team wound me. This happened on next map where he would TW me, then TK'd me by kicking off bridge. He did it many times and joked about it, not an accident.
5. Immature player who does not think there are consequences to ruining others game experience b/c they get bored.
6. Unfortunately I do not have any, I don't know how yet to capture and post.
7. I don't have any names either since I wasn't able to take screen shots, but it did happen enough times for me to request a ban which I have never done before for any player.

Closed Requests / Unban Please
« on: August 04, 2011, 06:20:51 am »
Dear Admins,

I believe I was banned for using the "i" button to ingame message Mr. Pibbs who put me on mute. I messaged again asking to be unmuted after a few map changes with no response. I then sent two more messages with the last being a quote from Anchorman (glass cage of emotion, etc...). Mr. Pibbs immediately kicked me from the server and perma banned. I can understand why he did it as I was spamming the admin channel....was trying to be funny and failed. Can you unban me? I promise not to use admin channel for anything but valid reasons. I acknowledge I was wasting his time and abusing the admin messaging feature. Again, was trying to be funny and failed miserably.

Thank you,


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