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Messages - Taggerung

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: SAVE CRPG! NERF RANGED
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:31:20 am »
Telling 2handers to get a shield is racism. On the other hand insulting archers and suggesting to them to go die in a fire is not.

And this is why this mod is dying. Fuck C-RPG and it's Devs.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Chronicle of the Fallen Brigade
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:55:37 am »
Great victory over a clan that doesn't give a fuck about Strat anymore. Congrats, you win!

I have no idea where you got that from that most archers have 24/18 at lvl 31.  I couldn't name anyone who would use such a build. You know you would hit almost nothing with 8 pd but only 6 wm?^^

But I really agree with the rest of what you wrote man :)

Most of the Fallen is where I got those #'s at lol. I hit things just fine with only 6wm, even at extreme ranges, and with 8pd, I hit them with some force.

Most archers are 24/18 at level 31.

8 Power Draw
6 Athletics
6 Weapon Master

This obviously varies per player, as some go 18/24 instead or throw points into IF/PS to defend themselves.

Pretty much all agi builds can catch an archer, and any single dedicated shield player can kill a single archer. The problem is that you idiots on the pub servers go after a group of 3 or more archers and they run to have you shot up by their friends.

What you idiots want to nerf is team work done by archers because you're two handed/polearm spam class gets shot up by archers when you approach them...well here s a bit of news. There is no single archer built or player that is OP....there hasn't been one since they changed the level system.

What's sad is that you would still get people complaining about archers even if they did exactly what MrShine said.

Faction Halls / Re: Carebear Clan
« on: December 08, 2011, 05:46:31 am »
Here and I was expecting an Occitan + Hospitaller + DRZ thread...imagine my disappointment.

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries (Strategus Claims)
« on: December 06, 2011, 08:03:44 pm »
Good work Mercs...keep on being awesome enough to fight DRZ

Faction Halls / Re: [Druzhina_] Druzhina
« on: December 06, 2011, 07:45:17 pm »
I sure wish everyone would stop kissing DRZ's ass and actually prevent you from turning strat into a map of "friendly" care bear battles. Too bad none of your "Vassals" have a spine

Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen]The Fallen Brigade (Recruiting EU/NA)
« on: December 06, 2011, 07:42:29 pm »
Sometimes I feel like we are on a path to corruption that leads to rewards from the dark gods.

Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen]The Fallen Brigade (Recruiting EU/NA)
« on: December 04, 2011, 02:36:08 am »
Only the true Fallen are watched.......feel free to replace true with Trolling at your own discretion

Awww not watched anymore.

Archery could be nerfed to 1/10th of its current damage and people would still be complaining about archers in groups.  Archers are best in tandem with their teammates because enemy movement patterns become much easier to trace when they are focusing on melee combat.  Saying archery needs nerfing because they excel using teamwork is a poor argument and one I pray the devs will never seriously consider.

Same issues come up with cavalry and pikemen: Alone they are easily counterable, but they shine with teammates to distract the enemy.

Here's my suggestion: buff your battle awareness.  Keeping your head on a swivel ( '~' key spam), avoiding areas where you'll become easy archer/cav food and knowing how far to push into enemy lines are absolute essentials for survival.  I pride myself in my battle awareness, and throughout all my playtime I've never once truly feared cavalry.  The only time I've ever truly feared archery is when I was an archer myself, because two archers targeting you can effectively lock your shooting down completely.

TLDR people continue to ask to nerf archery, when in reality they want to nerf teamwork (which won't happen).  Therefore instead of complaining about archery players need to adapt and fine tune their battle sense to avoid situations that put them in harms way.

good post.

Strategus Issues / Re: repeating server crashes and rescedule of Battle(s)
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:13:21 am »

Lose only has on "o" in it.

Spam / Re: Intentional crashing of server
« on: December 01, 2011, 09:48:42 am »
What Wiawins? I missed your post. Sorry.

Spam / Re: Intentional crashing of server
« on: December 01, 2011, 09:45:20 am »
What post?

Spam / Re: Intentional crashing of server
« on: December 01, 2011, 09:17:32 am »
[23:46] <arowaine> RETARD THE FUCKING SERVER

Spam / Re: Intentional crashing of server
« on: December 01, 2011, 09:14:39 am »
This is very disappointing. I expected better from the care bears. They are supposed to stand for truth and justice in this cruel world!

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