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Messages - swordpalme

Pages: [1]
Increased to 4 days, wait until monday.
Dosent matter im not gonna play on the server

Yes, we were boosting!
But at all we didnt know that we must not, Keep xX bonus.
Im not sure if Villadsenk got banned.
 we casted it on a earlier on the guy saying we'll both get banned instead we banned him with a 1 hour poll.
At all we were afraid getting banned.

Thank you.

Unban Senswordsick, and my friend Villadsenk.
After i played in a while, in an Empty server, named something like: shogunate_CRPG. with myslef and my friend a guy that joined said you will both get banend,
After we asked why and he said: for not Killing each others.
We were the only 2 in the server in the start, after people started to join, buts Thats not the problem later
a Guy teamkilled my teamate, and then i started a poll Agianst him, and around 5 seconds after i got banned by sparked
 for just setting a poll on a team killer?
I wonder what the point is here.
Please unban Senswordsick and my friend Villadsenk

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