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Messages - Skarth

Pages: [1]
Drop the helmet down to a kettle hat, that'll save you about 4k. I'd suggest going with leather gloves too, 1k more for 2 armor isn't worth it if your going for budget.

My go-to economy weapon for polearm has been the hafted blade, it functions a lot like the bec does, and costs about 5k. just does cut instead of pierce. I'm pretty sure it would be a easy transition from a poleaxe to the hafted blade for ya. The long voulge (4k) is a fun weapon to use too, it has such long range it makes for a good anti-cav and support weapon.

If you play siege, grab a quarter staff (1k) and always spawn with a siege ladder (ladders have no repair costs). You'll be helpful to your team, and can scavenge better polearms during the match without leaving yourself defenseless.

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling +1 loom point, 425k
« on: July 06, 2011, 07:03:43 pm »
Loom point sold.

Sell/Trade / Selling +1 loom point, 425k
« on: July 06, 2011, 10:32:43 am »
+1 loom point for sale, 425k. Message me if you need further details. Character is ready to retire.

I can use gold at 275k per loom point for collateral during the looming process to make it a "safe" trade. Message me if yaouneed further details.

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