That's a rude thing to say and unfair towards Raylin. He didn't blackmail us in any way; that's just an assumption on your part. It did seem fishy when he complained about alleged shortcomings of the previous balance, announced that he will take matters into his own hands and think about playing significantly less if the community were to reject his changes, but that is his decision to make and it merely shows that he was quite emotionally invested, which is not necessarily a bad thing. After arriving at the compromise of a balance experiment instead of a "normal" patch, the possibility of reverting was always on the horizon. Nobody in this mod has enough bargaining power over others to get through with a massive ego-trip at the expense of the community; contributors including Raylin know that and won't implement anything they aren't convinced of themselves.
I am a great turnrate nerf hater, but won't do anything before reaching a consensus. The topic is on the table though.
lmao, yeah ok he didn't blackmail you he just said he would stop playing and not do whatever it was he was doing if you didn't implement his "suggestions" aka godawful shit that only a delusional ranged-only player with absolutely no grasp on basic game mechanics might think were ok. it doesnt matter how much he contributed, if his suggestions were bad they should have been ignored. i don't know what raylin did in terms of items, exactly, but i'm willing to bet theres someone else out there who can retexture rus scale models from 5 years ago. honestly if i were in charge i would have just banned him the instant he started threatening to leave if his suggestions were ignored. like really, read this sentence back to yourself: "announced that he will take matters into his own hands and think about playing significantly less if the community were to reject his changes" why did you listen to this ape?
also re turnrate nerf, i dare you to find a post from a top 10% melee player supporting it, the only people who ever thought it was a good idea were the trashcans that lost duels with jumping pikemen
I'd rather have a calm objective bad paying item balancer than a shortsighted tryharding minmaxer
badplayer is responsible for a lot of good balance changes, and he repeatedly called for nerfs to heavy cav even when he was crutching heavy cav on battle for months on end